STEP: The distance from heel to heel betweenthe feet of a marching person. The half step andback step are 15 inches. The right and left stepsare 12 inches.BASIC DRILL COMMANDSRemember that the members of any formationmust respond in unison (together) to thecommands given. Let’s review the basic drillcommands:ATTENTION: The position of attention is thebasic military position. It indicates you are alertand ready for instruction. On the commandATTENTION, stand with your heels together,feet forming an angle of 45 degrees, head andbody erect, hips and shoulders level, and chestlifted. Allow your arms to hang naturally—thumbs along skirt or trouser seams and fingersjoined and in their natural curl. Keep your legsstraight, but not stiff at the knees. Direct yourhead and eyes to the front. Keep your mouthclosed, and pull your chin in slightly. When calledto attention, bring the heel of your left foot tothe heel of your right foot.PARADE REST: The commands Parade,REST are given only when the formation is atattention; the movement is executed in one count.On the command REST, move your left footsmartly 12 inches to the left. At the same time,join your hands behind your back with your righthand inside the left, holding the left thumb. Keepyour fingers straight while resting your hands inthe small of your back. Stand with both legsstraight allowing your weight to rest equally oneach foot. Do not move and do not talk. Directyour head and eyes as you would in the positionof attention.AT EASE: On the command AT EASE, youcan relax and shift about, but keep your right footin place. Do not talk. This command may alsobe given when you are not in ranks, as in aclassroom. You must not talk, but you mayremain relaxed.REST: On the command REST, follow thesame movement restrictions as you would whenat ease, but you may talk.FALL OUT: (This command is not a dismissalorder.) Upon the command FALL OUT, leaveyour position in ranks but remain nearby. On thecommand FALL IN, resume your place in ranks,and come to attention.To bring a formation to attention again whenit is in any one of the four positions of rest, theperson issuing commands gives a preparatorycommand (such as Company)before thecommand ATTENTION. If at rest or at ease,come to the position of parade rest on thepreparatory command.RIGHT FACE: Right face is a two-countmovement started on the commands Right,FACE. On the command FACE: (1) Raise yourleft heel and right toe slightly and turn 90 degreesto the right. Keep your left leg straight but notstiff. (2) Bring your left heel smartly alongside theright heel and stand at attention.EYES RIGHT: When given the commandsEyes,RIGHT, smartly turn your head 45 degreesto the right on the command RIGHT. Thecommands to turn your head back to the positionof attention are Ready, FRONT. On thecommand FRONT, snap your head to the front.During reviews at which the reviewing officertroops (passes down) the line, Ready,FRONT isnot given after Eyes,RIGHT. At such times, yourhead and eyes should follow the progress of thereviewing officer until you are looking straightahead. Remain in that position as the officercontinues down the line.ABOUT FACE: About face is a two-countmovement performed on the command: About,FACE. On the command About, shift yourweight to your left leg without noticeable move-ment. On the command FACE, (1) place yourright toe about 6 inches behind and slightly to theleft of your left heel; (2) on the ball of the rightfoot and the heel of the left foot, turn smartlyto the right until you are facing the rear. Yourfeet will be in the position of attention when theturn is completed if you place your right toeproperly behind your left heel.FALL IN: On the command FALL IN, thesquad forms in line on the left of the right flankmember (squad leader). Each member of thesquad, except the left flank member, raises theleft arm shoulder high in line with the body.Fingers are straight and touching each other, palmdown. Each member, except the right flankmember, turns the head and looks to the right.To obtain a normal interval, move in line so thatyour right shoulder touches the fingertips of theperson to your right. As soon as you are in linewith the person to your right and the person on7-4
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