CHAPTER 7MILITARY REQUIREMENTS1.2.3.LEARNING OBJECTIVESthis chapter, you should be able to do the following:to the watch, 4.Upon completion ofState how to assign personnelquarter, and station bill.Recognize the procedures to present personnel inspections and how to conduct personnelinspections.Identify the procedures for standing duty as thedivision duty officer and officer of the deck in port.State the purpose and function of the generalmess advisory board and mess audit board.Recognize how to mark, wear, and maintainCPO uniforms.The topics presented in this chapter shouldsound familiar to you, You have been requiredto know these items since you first enteredboot camp. This chapter reviews specifics youmay have forgotten and presents additional infor-mation required at the chief petty officer level.The topics in this chapter include the watch,quarter, and station bill; drill and formation;watch standing; the command general mess; andCPO uniforms.WATCH, QUARTER, ANDSTATION BILL,The watch, quarter, and station bill is asummary of assignments of the various ship’sbills. Your division officer is responsible formaking the watch, quarter, and station bill assign-ments within your division. However, we knowchiefs train the division officer. You must beaware of the division officer’s duties in order totrain him or her.CONSIDERATIONS INASSIGNING PERSONNELThe watch, quarter, and station bill (fig. 7-1)should be posted in a conspicuous place. Alldivision personnel must have a ready reference tomake sure they report for their assigned dutieswhen required.It is important that you verify the personnelqualification standards (PQS) of each person inyour division before making assignments to thewatch, quarter, and station bill. Ideally, you wantto assign the most qualified person to each billet.You should begin making assignments byreferencing your ship’s personnel assignment bill.This will provide you with billet numbers for eachperson assigned to your division. Next fill in therate; name; conditions I, II, III and so forth;abandon ship; and cleaning station columns. Theother columns, such as special sea detail, fire,and landing force, are taken from the ship’s bills.The senior watch officer will request that yourdivision provide people to fill these details. Afteryou have completed your division’s watch,quarter, and station bill, provide each person inyour division with a billet slip (fig. 7-2). The laststep is to provide a copy of the watch, quarter,and station bill to the senior watch officer forapproval and incorporation into the ship’s masterwatch, quarter, and station bill.7-1
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