Safety is a command responsibility and shouldbe carried out through the chain of command.Each level of command has responsibilities, bothin training and in day-to-day supervision of bothroutine and specialized tasks. The safety programitself does not make a unit or crew safer; rather,the planned and coordinated activities of thecrew acting as teams and subteams within theframework of the safety program make themsafer.The commanding officer has the ultimateresponsibility for all safety matters within the unit.To provide day-to-day staff assistance, thecommanding officer appoints a safety officer.Using policies and goals established by thecommanding officer, the safety officer formulatesa safety program based on the SORN a nddirectives of higher authority. The safety officermonitors the crew’s activities and exercises thecoordination necessary to make all hands awareof the program and to keep it vital. The evalua-tion of the results of the program provides thecommanding officer with a report about theprogress of the command’s mishap preventiongoals. It also provides a report on the effectivenessof the unit’s safety program.SAFETY ORGANIZATIONThe standard unit organization for carryingout a safety program is based on chapter 7 of theStandard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy (OPNAVINST 3120.32B).To coordinate monitoring and evaluatingefforts of the safety program without relievingpersonnel of assigned responsibilities, activitiesshould establish a safety organization. The safetyorganization should be established following theguidelines in figure 8-2. The purpose of thisorganization is to monitor mishap preventionstandards and to evaluate the effectiveness of thesafety program. The safety organization alsocoordinates the distribution of safety informationregarding general mishap prevention, motorvehicle safety, and recreational safety.RELATIONSHIP BETWEENADMINISTRATIVE/WATCHORGANIZATIONS AND THESAFETY ORGANIZATIONThe primary responsibility for safety lies in thechain of command and rests with the appropriatemembers of the administrative and watchorganizations. Members of the safety organiza-tion have clear-cut responsibilities with regard tomonitoring and evaluating mishap prevention.However, that in no way relieves the members ofthe administrative and watch assignments forwhich they are responsible.THE SAFETY OFFICERThe safety officer is directly under theexecutive officer in the chain of commandregarding the safety program. However, thisperson has direct access to the commandingofficer in matters of safety. Normally, the safetyofficer has department head status and isresponsible for enacting a comprehensive safetyprogram. This program is based on objectivesestablished by the commanding officer. The safetyofficer is responsible for promoting maximumcooperation in safety matters at all levels andensuring wide distribution of safety information.The safety officer is also responsible formonitoring the timely submission and accuracyof safety reports and for maintaining appropriatesafety records and statistics. The safety officermay be military or civilian and the head of a safetydepartment, depending on the size and missionof the command.The safety officer collaborates with all depart-ment heads and departmental/divisional safetyofficers in matters concerning safety.Department Safety OfficerThe department safety officer keeps thedepartment head advised on the status of thedepartment safety program within the unit. Thedepartment safety officer also performs thefollowing duties:••••Performs mishap prevention functions asthe department head may assignActs as the departmental point of contactfor coordinating and evaluating the ship’ssafety programEnsures correction of all hazardousconditions revealed by safety hazard reportsMaintains records of mishaps and safetyhazards within the department, and main-tains direct liaison with the unit safetyofficer8-8
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