Adequacy, Assignment, Utilization, andOccupancy of Navy Unaccompanied PersonnelHousing (UPH), OPNAVINST 11103.1, outlinesNavy policy on the adequacy, assignment,utilization, and occupancy of single quarters.Naval base/naval air station (local) instructionscontain guidance for assigning voluntary separatedpersonnel (VSP) to single quarters.The principal goal of the Department ofDefense (DOD) Family Housing Program is tomake sure members of the armed forces withdependents have suitable housing. To achieve this,DOD has adopted a policy of relying on the localcivilian housing market in communities nearmilitary installations as the primary source ofhousing for military families. Military familyhousing is constructed only in locations where thecivilian housing market cannot meet the needs ofthe local military community. Construction isapproved by the Secretary of Defense andappropriated by Congress.Assignment and Utilization of Navy-ManagedMilitary Family Housing (MFH), OPNAVINST11101.13H, outlines assignment procedures andutilization criteria for family housing. Your localfamily housing office can provide you withadditional local rules and guidelines.NAVY SPONSOR PROGRAMThe Navy Sponsor Program was set up by theChief of Naval Operations in 1970 to ease themove of naval personnel and their families whentransferred on permanent change of station (PCS)orders. Navy Sponsor Program, OPNAVINST1740.3A, provides guidance for all commands andunits in taking an active part in the Navy SponsorProgram.A well-administrated program can ease thedifficulties met by naval personnel and theirfamilies during each PCS move. A dynamiccommand Navy Sponsor Program shows newmembers that the command believes they areimportant. It has a positive impact on the attitudeof the new members and their families.Remember, first impressions are usually lastingones.OVERSEAS DUTYSUPPORT PROGRAMThe Navy can better accomplish its missionand tasks by having forward deployed forces.Such forces support U.S. allies and provide thehost nation with a capability to support itspolitical objectives. Through formal internationalagreement, deployed United States naval forcesare provided facilities, logistics support, andmutual security. Navy personnel based overseasand those ashore on leave or liberty can eitherenhance or degrade the effectiveness of thesearrangements by the image they create. Inadequatepreparation and the inability of people to makea positive adjustment to the foreign country’slaws, customs, cultures, and traditions can resultin costly consequences. These consequences mayaffect unit readiness, unplanned reassignments,attrition, good order and discipline, futureavailability y of ports of call, and retention of U.S.overseas bases.The policy of the Navy is to ensure that eachunit that visits foreign ports and each establishedoverseas activity is supported in the host country.The Overseas Duty Support Program (ODSP)addresses three specific groups:Personnel stationed at overseas shoreactivities and home-ported unitsPersonnel aboard ships (active andReserve) and other deploying U.S. Navyunits that visit foreign portsPersonnel serving in high-impact positions(attache, embassy, PEP, and so on)The ODSP helps Navy personnel and theirfamilies deal with various overseas cultures. Threemajor goals of this program are (1) to providetraining and cross-cultural relations; (2) to supplyinformation through publications, video tapes,and direct personal assistance; and (3) to operatea telephone hotline known as the OverseasTransfer Information Service (OTIS). The missionof the program is to help you be more effectivein your job, to help you adjust to your tour ofduty, and to help you enjoy visits to foreign ports.You, the supervisor, should know whereinformation about foreign countries and theircustoms and traditions can be obtained. Youshould encourage your personnel to read allavailable information about the foreign ports theyare going to visit. In addition, give generallectures about these ports to point out localcustoms.Explain that most host nationalswelcome the opportunity to learn from our sailorsand are more than willing to teach our sailorsabout their countries. Above all, you should beinformed and encourage your personnel to beinformed.6-5
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