The Command Family Ombudsman Program
belongs to the command. To a great extent, the
shape and direction of the program depend on the
commanding officers perceptions of the needs of
the command. The CO appoints the Ombudsman,
who works under his/her guidance. The CO
determines the priorities of the program, the roles
and relationships of those involved in it, and the
type and level of support it will receive. The ef-
fectiveness of the Ombudsman Program is
measured by the service it provides to the
command and the commands families.
The Navy Family Ombudsman Manual,
NAVPERS 15571, provides a section containing
suggestions on how to help maximize the benefits
of an Ombudsman Program through your support
of the Ombudsman. You only have to make one
deployment to appreciate the efforts of an
The Navy Family Ombudsman Program, OP-
NAVINST 1750. 1B, and the Navy Family
Ombudsman Manual, NAVPERS 15571, outline
the policies and procedures of the Navy Family
Ombudsman Program.
You may be asked to serve as the Casualty
Assistance Calls Officer (CACO) at some point
in your career. This section of the chapter will
explain the purpose of the program and the
general duties of the CACO.
Purpose of the Program
The broad purpose of the Casualty Assistance
Calls Program (CACP) is to offer support to the
next of kin of Navy members involved in a
casualty. The CACP offers support in the
following ways:
Assuring the next of kin of the Navys
interest in their well-being
Showing concern for members reported
missing while the search for them is
Extending sympathy in the case of death
Helping survivors adjust to the new
conditions these tragic circumstances have
imposed upon them
The Navy seeks to accomplish this through
personal visits by a uniformed Navy representative
called a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer
(CACO). (Only an officer with a minimum of 2
years of active duty or a qualified senior enlisted
member of paygrade E-7 or above may serve as
a CACO.) Persons given the task of CACO
normally assume this responsibility as their
primary duty; it takes precedence over all
other assigned duties. Casualty Assistance Calls
INST 1770.1, explains the detailed responsibilities
of the CACO and the procedures for operating
the program. Casualty Assistance Calls and
Funeral Honors Support (CAC/FHS) Program
Coordination, OPNAVINST 1770.1, contains the
command coordination responsibilities for the
Casualty Assistance Calls and Funeral Honors
Support Program. The Casually Assistance Calls
Officer Manual, NAVPERS 15607, provides
detailed duties of the CACO, provides a check
list for use when visiting next of kin, and provides
a list of helping resources.
Duties of the CACO
The duties of the CACO range from making
an initial personal visit to the family to helping
the family fill out all required paper work for
Specific responsibilities include the following:
to make personal notification to the
next of kin that their relative is dead, un-
accounted forduty status-whereabouts unknown
(DUSTWUN), or reported missing; to provide a
brief explanation of the circumstances; to provide
updated information regarding remains of deceased
or search efforts for a DUSTWUN person.
to express to the next of kin of those who
have died, the Navys condolences, concern in the
case of members in a DUSTWUN or missing
status, and continued support for the next of kin
during their adjustment to their unfortunate
to extend
by assessing the
assistance and
assistance to the next of kin
need for immediate financial
follow-up arrangements as
Morale, welfare, and recreation programs
(MWR) provide a comprehensive approach to the