direct investigations into disclosures lodged
against themselves or those that report directly to
them. If more information is needed, a neutral
party should carry out the investigation and make
suggestions for correction.
The following are the chain-of-command steps
for properly handling matters of fraud, waste, or
1. Discuss the issue with the person committing
the alleged violation so that they will have
the first opportunity of correction; if not
resolved, then
2. report the facts to the employees super-
visor; if still not resolved, then
3. report the problem to the next higher
When a disclosure indicates the issue involves
a unit of the command and the commanding
officer or key management officials are aware of
the problem, the hot-line reporting system should
be used.
Hot-line disclosures are screened by the
NAVINSGEN and directed to the proper activity.
This is usually the chain of command where the
disclosure originated. The command is responsible
to the NAVINSGEN for making a proper
investigation and taking appropriate corrective
action. The investigation and corrective action
must be completed within 60 days, unless the
NAVINSGEN allows more time. Confidentiality
is also available when using the hot-line reporting
system to report fraud, waste, abuse, and mis-
management. Give your name and be specific with
dates, places, names, and facts. All disclosures,
regardless of how major or minor, will be
investigated. No lead is too small. The Navy wants
you to help in its fight against fraud, waste, abuse,
and mismanagement. In fact, incentive awards are
given for information that saves the government
money and/or its resources.
You should have proof to substantiate your
report; however, the DON will investigate all
disclosures. Some Navy commands have set up
their own local hot-line system. All Navy personnel
are encouraged to use the Navy hot-line program.
Your official bulletin board should have the
hot-line information posted on it. You may
contact hot line by either telephone or mail, as
1. The phone numbers for DOD activity con-
tact points are as follows:
1-800-424-9098 Toll Free
(202) 693-5080 Commercial
223-5080 Autovon
Or you can write to the following address:
DOD Hot Line
The Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301
The phone numbers for DON activity con-
tact points are as follows:
1-800-522-3451 Toll Free
(202) 433-6743 Commercial
288-6743 Autovon
Or you can write to the following address:
The Naval Inspector General
Attn: Navy Hot Line, Bldg. 200
Washington Navy Yard
Washington, DC 20374
3. Check your official bulletin board or your
local naval telephone directory for the
numbers and addresses of your command
hot line.
Check your local Navy exchange, the local
base newspaper, and your local naval telephone
directory for other special hot lines for particular
The Naval Investigative Service (NIS) is the
criminal and investigative organization for the
Department of the Navy. NIS primarily in-
vestigates major crimes and fraud committed
against the government. Essentially, major crimes
are those for which the maximum penalty required
by law is more than 1 years imprisonment or a
loss valued at more than 0.