in the absence of sunlight or daylight, theimpregnation treatment should remain effectivefor 5 to 10 years or more.NOTE: Impregnated clothing is being phasedout and will be replaced with the chemical-protective overgarment.Chemical-Protective OvergarmentThe chemical-protective overgarment consistsof two pieces—a smock and trousers (fig. 6-9).The smock has two layers of materials: inner(antigas) and outer (modacrylic/nylon). Thesmock is generously cut to allow completefreedom of movement. It has a large front flappocket for gloves and so forth and a sleevepatch where you can place detector paperfor easy visibility. You can make quick andeasy adjustments with hook-and-pile fastenersat the wrist and waist. The trousers are madeof the same two layers of material and havesuspender-type fittings located at the waist andacross the shoulders. Hook-and-pile fasteners arelocated at the base of each leg for adjustment.Figure 6-9.-Chemical-protective overgarment.The chemical-protective overgarment is issued ina plastic envelope that is pressure packed, airevacuated, and heat sealed. It is then placed ina polyethylene bag and heat sealed. The over-garment has a shelf life of 5 years when unopened.The protective overgarment protects againstall CBR agents and is permeable to water vapor.Once removed from its protective envelope, it hasa shelf life of 14 days in a nonchemical environ-ment. If it is opened but uncontaminated, keepit for training purposes. Once exposed to chemicalcontamination, the overgarment provides 6 hoursof continuous protection, after which it shouldbe discarded.The following donning procedures include theuse of the chemical-protective glove set andfootwear covers (overboots): the trousers. Tighten the waist byusing the hook-and-pile fasteners.Bring the straps over the shoulders andcross them at the chest. Insert the strapsinto the belt loops and secure snugly.Don the parka.Secure the bottom of the parka with hook-and-pile straps.Raise the trouser legs.Don the chemical-protective footwearcover (see fig. 6-10).a.b.c.d.e.f.g.Attach tie laces (in the center) to thetoe loop. Be sure the laces are even (seefig. 6-10, view 1).Put one lace through A and onethrough B from the inside to the out-side and pull until snug. Make sure thetoe loop is over the top of your shoe (seefig. 6-10, view 2).Put one lace through C and onethrough D (on the opposite side of thefoot, crossing the instep) from inside tooutside. Pull until snug (see fig. 6-10,view 3).Cross the laces over the instep.Thread the laces through A and Bagain, from inside to outside (see fig.6-10, view 4).Cross the laces over the instep again andpull them until snug.Wrap the laces behind the ankle andback to the front. Pull until snug andtie securely (see fig. 6-10, view 5).Pull the trouser legs down over thefootwear covers and secure with the hook-and-pile fasteners.Don the mask.6-18
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