disinfectant solution; the canisters should be
replaced with new ones.
The mask must be handled carefully to prevent
any mechanical damage to the metal parts, tears
in the delicate portions, or scratched or broken
lenses. If you must stack unpackaged masks, they
should not be stacked more than five high. You
must also take measures to prevent stowage of
heavy material on the stack.
By following proper handling, cleaning,
and stowage procedures, you can expect the
mask to provide designed protection for 5 to
10 years.
MCU-2/P Protective Mask
The MCU-2/P protective mask is designed
to provide full protection and is intended
to replace other previously used masks, in-
cluding the Mk V and M17A1. This new
mask has improved performance and storage
characteristics. It provides protection against
tactical concentrations of chemical and bio-
logical agents, toxins, and radiological fallout
particles. The MCU-2/P mask also accom-
modates the use of the tri-service/ NATO
The MCU-2/P protective mask (fig. 6-5)
is built with a silicone rubber facepiece.
Features include two voicemitters; a drinking
tube; a flexible lens that permits the use of
binoculars, gunsights, and other optical equip-
ment; and the option to put the filter canister
on either side. The mask can be worn over
approved mask-compatible spectacles, which
can be ordered through your medical depart-
ment using DD Form 771. The large lens size
provides the user with a good all-around view.
Figure 6-5.-MCU-2/P protective mask.