Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards
Almost everyone is constantly subjected
to nonionizing radiation in varying degrees.
Nonionizing radiation is electromagnetic radiation
restricted to the frequency spectrum commonly
referred to as the radio-frequency (rf) region up
to and including laser radiation (visible light).
Common types of rf-producing equipment are
radio transmitters, radars, microwave ovens, and
gun and missile directors.
The development of systems with high-power
rf transmitters and high-gain antennas has
increased the possibility of biological injury to
personnel working in their vicinity. Presently,
the only known effects of overexposure to rf
radiation are an increase in body temperature or
a temperature rise in specific organs of the body.
Nonthermal effects (such as sterility) are not
certain at this time.
The Naval Medical Command established safe
limits for exposure to radiation in BUMEDINST
5470.13. Those limits are based on the power
density of the radiation beam and the exposure
time of the human body in a radiation field. The
following precautions should be taken to ensure
that personnel are not exposed to radiation that
exceeds the established safe limits:
Keeping radar beams pointed away from
personnel working areas
Observing warning signs that indicate the
existence of rf radiation hazards in a
specific location or area
Another hazard of rf radiation is rf burns. An
rf burn hazard exists if sufficient rf voltage is
induced on a metallic object to cause pain,
visible skin damage, or involuntary reflex action
to a person who contacts the object. Any burn
injury that occurs is the result of the heat
produced by a current flow through the skin at
the contacted area. The rf voltages on metallic
objects can be induced by radiation from nearby
transmitting antennas. Hazardous voltages have
been found on crane hooks, running rigging,
booms, antisubmarine rocket (ASROC) launchers,
and parked aircraft. Attempts to reduce these
hazards are being managed by the Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA) and involve
equipment design modifications. However, the
most important deterrent is personnel training and
Personnel protective equipment used in
chemical warfare (CW) defense includes masks,
clothing, decontaminating kits, and antidotes for
certain chemical agents. Depending on your duty
station and actual combat assignment, you may
be issued certain items of this equipment.
Knowing the correct procedures for the use of the
equipment is vital. The following paragraphs
provide descriptions of these procedures, but only
practice can assure that you follow them properly.
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense,
Handbook for Training, S-5080-AA-HKB-010,
and NSTM, chapter 470, list detailed procedures
for the use and maintenance of CW protective
The protective mask is your personal first line
of CBR defense since it protects vulnerable areas
such as the eyes, face, and respiratory tract. The
protective mask removes airborne radioactive
material and biological warfare (BW)/chemical
warfare (CW) agents from the air before they are
inhaled. However, the mask does not provide
protection against some common gases, such as
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, tritium, and
ammonia. It also does not protect against oxygen
deficiency. If you must enter areas or compart-
ments that have a deficiency of oxygen, the Navys
oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA) must be used.
The general operation of all types of protective
masks is essentially the same. As the wearer
inhales, air is drawn through a filtering system.
This system consists of two filters: a mechanical
filter, which clears the air of solid or liquid
particles, and a chemical filter, usually activated
charcoal, which absorbs or neutralizes toxic and
irritant vapors. The purified air then passes to the
region of the mask where it can be inhaled.
Exhaled air is expelled from the mask through an
outlet valve constructed to open only to permit
exhaled air to escape.
The useful life of any filter element depends
on four conditions: (1) the type and concentration
of the toxic agent or agents in the air, (2) the
duration of exposure to the contaminated air,
(3) the breathing rate of the wearer, and (4) the
temperature and humidity. A change in any of
these conditions may affect the useful life of a
filter element; it can hold only a definite weight
of a toxic agent under given circumstances. Minor