available in two sizes and can be worn on eitherfoot. They are issued in a polyethylene bag withtwo pairs of laces and an instruction sheet.The undamaged overboots provide protectionto the feet against chemical agents. Upon con-tamination, the overboots provide 6 hours of pro-tection from agent penetration.Donning procedures are listed with thechemical-protective overgarment.Chemical-Protective Glove SetThe chemical-protective glove set is worn toprotect the hands against nerve and blister agents,liquids, and vapors. The set consists of an outerglove to provide chemical protection and aninner glove to assist in absorption of perspiration.The 5-finger outer glove is made of impermeable,unsupported, black butyl rubber and is manufac-tured for both the right- and left-hand. The thin,white cotton inner glove can be worn on eitherhand. The glove set is issued in a clearpolyethylene bag with an instruction sheet.The black outer glove protects againstchemical agent vapors, aerosols, and smalldroplets. Upon contamination, the set providesat least 6 hours of protection from agentpenetration. These gloves, in good condition, canbe decontaminated and reissued,Wet-Weather ClothingWet-weather clothing is often described asimpermeable or rubberized clothing. Its valueresults from the fact that the previously describedimpregnated/protective clothing can be partiallypenetrated by all but the smallest droplets ofliquid agents, especially in relatively high winds.Moreover, the impregnated/protective clothing isnot equally efficient in neutralizing all liquid CWagents. Wet-weather clothing, on the other hand,is for a limited time resistant to all liquid CWagents, provided that the closures at the neck,wrists, and protective mask are well adjusted ortaped.Wet-weather clothing provides a measure ofprotection against CBR contaminants when wornover ordinary clothing; but as was previouslystated, it provides the most complete protectionwhen worn over impregnated or protectiveclothing. Gradual penetration of the syntheticrubber layer of the wet-weather clothing willeventually occur unless CW agent contaminantsare promptly removed. The contaminants areremoved by frequent and thorough flushing ofthe surface with a seawater washdown or anequivalent, such as jury-rigged topside seawatershowers, or by swabbing with liquid hypochlorite.In warm weather or during periods of increasedphysical activity, wet-weather clothing has a majordisadvantage in that it can only be tolerated forrelatively short periods of time. Tolerance islimited because no air can pass through theclothing to cool the wearer’s body by the evapora-tion of perspiration.Perspiration is normally accumulated insidean impermeable suit. Underclothing, gloves,socks, and shoes may become saturated. Sweatingcan be reduced and tolerance times lengthened byreducing the exercise rate, by using water-spraycooling, and by reducing exposure to directsunlight.Ordinary Work ClothingSpecial protective clothing is not required forall personnel. Ordinarily, it is worn only by thepersonnel of monitoring and decontaminationteams who must work in or near hazardous areas.All other personnel working near these areasshould wear two layers of ordinary clothing,which provide partial protection against agentsand radioactive particles.M258A1 SKINDECONTAMINATING KITThe M258A1 kit will decontaminate skin andselected personal equipment that has been con-taminated with chemical agents. The kit is housedin a plastic waterproof case with a metal straphook for easy attachment to clothing or equip-ment such as the mask carrier. The kit consistsof three Decon 1 towelette wipes and three Decon2 towelette wipes that are sealed in tear-away,impermeable foil packets.The Decon 1 packet has a tab for immediateidentification at night. The Decon 1 packetcontains a pad prewetted with hydroxyethylphenol, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, and water.The Decon 2 packet consists of a pad impregnatedwith chloramine-B and sealed glass ampules filledwith a solution of hydroxyethyl, zinc chloride, anddeionized water. The glass ampules are enclosedin a mesh bag to prevent injury to fingers or handswhen crushing the ampules. The M258A1 kit isused to remove and decontaminate blister andnerve agents from the exposed skin. It can be usedto decontaminate the face (except eyes andmouth), mask interior, rubber gloves, or rubber6-20
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