was mated with nuclear propulsion. That developmentproduced a virtually invulnerable missile-firingsubmarine. Today, the missile-firing submarineconstitutes one of the highest priority elements of theUnited States’ deterrent capability; that is, a deterrent tonuclear conflict.Each Polaris submarine could launch 16 two-stageballistic missiles powered by solid-fuel rocket motors,containing a self-contained inertial guidance system.The Polaris provided a combined explosive powergreater than the total of all the bombs dropped by allaircraft during World War II. Nuclear propulsionenabled these Polaris submarines to remain on patrol forextended periods, hidden beneath the surface of the sea,ready to launch their missiles.On station, a Polaris submarine maintainedcomplete radio silence, receiving radio messages whilesubmerged, but not transmitting to prevent giving awayits location. Each ship had two complete crews, the Blueand the Gold, of about 130 people each. The Polarisoperated on a system that reflected a major change in theNavy’s traditional ship-manning methods. The crewsa l t e r n a t e d o n a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 - m o n t h - l o n gdeployments, providing maximum on-station time forthe submarine. Its endurance was limited only by thelimitations of its personnel.Submarines were followed by the world’s firstnuclear-powered surface warships. They were theguided-missile cruiser USS Bainbridge, launched April15, 1961; the guided-missile cruiser USS Long Beach,commissioned September 9, 1961; and the carrier USSEnterprise, commissioned November 25, 1961. OnOctober 3, 1964, those three ships ended Operation SeaOrbit, a 64-day long, around-the-world, unreplenishedcruise.It was during this time that space exploration (fig.5-15) began. The Vanguard, a 3 ½-pound payload, wasdeveloped by the Naval Research Laboratory. OnMarch 17, 1958, it was placed into orbit to test a systemdesigned to launch earth satellites during theinternational geophysical year (IGY). Now the oldestman-made satellite in orbit, it is expected to remain aloftfor 2,000 years.N ava l o ffi c e r s a l s o p a r t i c i p a t e d i n s p a c eexploration. On May 5, 1961, Commander Alan B.Shepard, Jr., made America’s first suborbital flight. The15-minute shot in Freedom 7 went 116.5 miles intospace.VIETNAMAlthough the United States was at peace followingthe Korean Conflict, events were building that wouldplunge the country into another conflict. Since 1959, theFrench had been involved in fighting in a country mostAmericans had never heard of—Vietnam.Americans were introduced to Vietnam in 1965. Inthat year, the United States entered the Vietnam PoliceAction. This police action, which caused conflict athome as well as on the battlefield, lasted until January1973. Figures 5-16, through 5-19 commemorateAmerican actions in Vietnam.The Navy’s operations in support of SouthVietnam’s struggle against communist militaryaggression consisted mainly of gunfire support andcarrier aircraft operations. These operations includedcoastal interdiction patrols against North Vietnameseships moving troops and supplies to the south. They alsoincluded riverine operations by a swarm of varioustypes of patrol craft in the maze of waterways in SouthVietnam’s delta area. (By early 1972 all boats and theresponsibility for delta operations had been turned overto the South Vietnamese Navy.) Naval constructionbattalions (Seabees) built several military bases andconstructed water and sanitary facilities for localcommunities. Often, as in World War II, they engaged infighting as they worked. Navy medical personnel servedin the field with Marine Corps and Seabee units, as theydid in World War II and in the Korean Conflict. Theyoften performed their duties under fire and oftensacrificed themselves to protect their charges fromfurther harm. As in previous wars, U.S. Navy serviceand amphibious forces transported over 90 percent ofthe personnel and supplies used in support of thatconflict.During the Vietnam era, five new attack carriersj o i n e d t h e f l e e t , i n c l u d i n g t h e wo r l d ’s fi r s tnuclear-powered carrier, USS Enterprise (CVN 65).Vietnam was a different kind of war, a war in whichthe Navy’s role was ever changing. The Navy used bothnew and old aircraft—OV-10 Broncos, propeller-driven5-28Student Notes:
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