As the second half of the 20th century arrived, theUnited States had been at peace for 5 years, and theNavy was involved in many scientific pursuits.However, scientific and exploratory pursuits wereinterrupted by the outbreak of the Korean Conflict.THE KOREAN CONFLICTSupported by the United Nations, the United Statesagreed to give the Republic of Korea air and navalassistance. Three days after that decision, June 29,1950, the cruiser USS Juneau and the destroyer USSDehaven fired the first shots of the war.When North Korea attacked south of the 38thparallel, the Navy was called on for close air support toknock out bridges and block enemy supply routes. Navyjets flew from carriers for the first time in a warsituation. Unlike World War II, the enemy didn’t havethe capability to strike our carriers, so pilots launchedtheir Corsairs and Banshees on the first sustainedground-support missions in history.The helicopter also came of age during the KoreanConflict. First studied and developed in 1942 when theNavy received four Sikorskys, the choppers werespotters for artillery. In Korea, they flew emergencysupply runs and took part in direct combat duties. Later,the helicopter was used as a cargo transport betweenships during underway replenishment, search andrescue missions, and ASW exercises. Korea was thetesting ground for the helicopter and many otherinnovations our forces currently use.On September 15, 1950, under massive shorebombardment by U.S. Navy ships, the amphibiouslandings at Inchon began. The successful operation cutenemy communications, split enemy forces, anddissolved enemy resistance in that area. The shelling ofsupply roads far inland by the battleship USS Missouridemonstrated a new tactical concept. That concept wasthe Navy’s ability to intervene successfully in a groundoperation far ashore.The Korean Conflict (fig. 5-13 and fig. 5-14) lasteduntil July 1953. Other events were happening in theNavy while the war was being waged. For example, aprogram was established giving outstanding enlistedwomen the opportunity to receive commissions in theRegular Navy.KOREA TO VIETNAMThe 1950s was a time of change. By the end of thedecade, most operational aircraft in the attack andfighter arsenals of the sea service were jets. More andmore angled-deck carriers were authorized, and newdeck-edge elevators allowed simultaneous takeoffs andlandings.The USS Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine, wasfirst put to sea on January 17, 1955. Under CommanderEugene P. Wilkinson, the USS Nautilus transmitted thehistoric signal, “Underway on nuclear power.” On itsshakedown cruise in May 1955, the USS Nautilussteamed submerged from New London, Connecticut, toSan Juan, Puerto Rico. It traveled over 1,300 miles in 84hours—a distance 10 times greater than the record forcontinuously submerged travel by any previoussubmarine.After more than 2 years of operation and evaluation,the USS Nautilus was refueled in April 1957. On its firstnuclear core, it steamed a total of 62,562 miles; it mademore than half of that cruise while totally submerged. Aconventionally powered submarine the size of the USSNautilus would have required over 2 million gallons offuel oil to duplicate that feat. A train of tank cars over amile and a half long would have been necessary totransport that amount of fuel.On August 12, 1958, the USS Nautilus completed ahistory-making transpolar voyage from Pearl Harbor,Hawaii, to Portland, England. After diving under the icenear Point Barrow, Alaska, on August 1, 1958, itbecame the first submarine to reach the geographicNorth Pole.Nuclear submarines produced after the USSNautilus continued to pioneer new areas of submarineoperations. The USS Seawolf, the Navy’s secondnuclear-powered submarine, operated as an active unitof the Atlantic Fleet. On October 6, 1958, it completed arecord-breaking 60-day run, traveling a distance of13,761 miles submerged.While the USS Nautilus was still undergoingoperational testing, the Navy began development of aballistic missile of intermediate range. Brought fromconception to initial operation in 5 years’ time, thePolaris fleet ballistic missile (FBM) weapons system5-25Student Notes:
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