Nuclear power was the long-awaited propulsionsource for the submarine. It turned the submersiblesurface ship into a true submarine, capable of almostindefinite operation. It was no longer bound to theearth’s atmosphere.In September 1947, Captain H. G. Rickoverinformally requested the first study of the application ofa high-pressure, water-cooled reactor for a submarine.Personnel of the Daniels Pile Division at Oak Ridge,Tennessee, undertook that study.In January 1948, the Department of Defenserequested that the Atomic Energy Commissionundertake the design, development, and construction ofa nuclear reactor that would propel a naval submarine.In December 1948, the Commission contracted theWestinghouse Electric Corporation to develop design,construct, operate, and test a prototype nuclearpropulsion plant. The outcome of those efforts was USSNautilus.REVIEW 5 QUESTIONSQ1. What was the significance of the Battle of CoralSea?Q2. List the other major naval battles in the Pacificduring World War II and describe theirsignificance.a.b.c.d.e.Q3. Describe the role of the U.S. Navy in the AtlanticOcean during World War II.Q4. The shape of the Navy changed during WorldWar II because of new ships introduced duringthis period. List some of the types of ships thatwere introduced during this period.Q5. What is the significance of the date 30 July 1943?Q6. What is the significance of the Women’s ArmedServices Integration Act?THE NAVY FROM 1950 TO 1990sLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the roles and responsibilities of theNavy from 1950 to 1990 to include the KoreanConflict, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf.5-24Student Notes:
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