U. S. Navy ships continued to change with evengreater momentum, ushering in another new era—thatof nuclear propulsion, jet power, rockets, and guidedmissiles. New types of ships have emerged—shipssuch as guided-missile cruisers, tactical commandships, and helicopter flattops. The era of the 50s, 60s,70s, 80s, and on into the 90s has seen the emergence ofthe nuclear Navy.The heart of today’s nuclear fleet is a highlycomplicated unit known as the nuclear reactor, whichoffers the following advantages:Almost unlimited steaming endurance at highspeed. Nuclear ships have increased flexibility;an ability to obtain ammunition, aviation fuel,and other supplies from remote places in aminimum amount of time; and an attack abilityin a much greater area.Reduced vulnerability. Nuclear ships need notremain exposed as long as nonnuclear vesselsduring replenishment. They can maneuver toavoid attack.Reduced dependence on logistic support.Nuclear ships require fewer mobile supportforces.Greater attack effectiveness. Nuclear ships canremain in battle areas for a greater length of timeand have a greater ability to exploit weatherconditions to their advantage.Elimination of huge funnels. That provides moreroom for such items as a big, powerful radar.Power available upon command. Nuclearreactors eliminate the need to order “moreboilers on the line” a half hour before full poweris desired. Heat is produced in the nuclearreactor; in turn, steam and power is producedwith little delay. Reduction from full power toone-third or stop is equally responsive.Reduced maintenance. The absence of corrosivestack gases cuts down on the wear and tear of theships and a lot of at-sea and in-port repairs.The Navy has been advancing in other areas of thesurface fleet as well. An example is the new amphibiousassault ships (LHAs). The LHAs are the largest andfastest amphibious ships in the Navy inventory and offerthe greatest operational versatility in the history ofamphibious warfare.The size of the LHAs alone is impressive. The firstof the LHAs, the USS Tarawa, is 820 feet long and 106feet wide. The high point of its mast is 221 feet above thekeel, and it has a full displacement of 39,300 tons. It cancarry a large landing force with all its equipment andsupplies, landing them either by helo or amphibiouscraft or both. The primary advantage of theseg e n e r a l - p u r p o s e a s s a u l t s h i p s i s t a c t i c a lintegrity—getting a balanced force to the same point atthe same time.Spruance-class ships are the Navy’s prime ASWdestroyers. They are fitted with our most powerfulsonar, helicopters, our best ASW weapons, and theHarpoon surface-to-surface missile system.The most recent additions to the surface fleet are theTiconderoga-class cruisers and the Arleigh Burke-classdestroyers. Both are powered by gas turbines and arecapable of high-speed transits. They are also outfittedwith the Navy’s new Aegis weapons system. Thatsystem has the capability to track and engage multipletargets, using a complex system of radars, missiles,guns, torpedoes, and self-defense systems. Thesecapabilities make these cruisers and destroyers the mostsurvivable units of today’s surface fleet.Our ability to quickly deploy large carrier battlegroups and surface action groups quickly will assure ourallies of our ability to exercise sea control. That ability,coupled with the U.S. submarine forces’ strategicdeterrence objective, will allow the United States and itsallies the ability to deter further hostile actionworldwide.5-36Student Notes:
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