REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1.The United States Navy was formed because theSecond Continental Congress realized thatthe survival of the colonies as independentfrom England depended on the formation ofnaval forces.A2. During the late 18th century, battleships wereclassified as ships-of-the-line.A3.The craft developed in 1775 was a warfaresubmarine, named the Turtle, and invented byDavid Bushnell.A4.This raid was the first amphibious operationcarried out by the American Navy andMarines.A5. The first official recognition of the AmericanStars and Stripes flag by a foreign nation wasgiven by (a) France (b) to the USS Ranger.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1.After the Revolutionary War, the U.S. Navydefended America’s small merchant ship fleetfrom the Barbary pirates.A2. Between the Revolutionary War and the War of1812, the U.S. Navy was involved with the—a. Quasi War with France andb. Barbary States War.A3.Lord Nelson said that the operation executed byLT Stephen Decatur and 84 seamen byslipping into the harbor of Tripoli andburning the captured frigate Philadelphia was“one of the most bold and daring acts of the age.”A4. Two actions of the U.S. Navy during the War of1812 were—a. The sea battle between the Americanfrigate USS Constitution and the Britishfrigate Guerriere andb. The victory of Captain Oliver HazardPerry over the British squadron on LakeErie.A5. During the Mexican-American War, the Navyblockaded the port cities on the Gulf and the“Mosquito Fleet” provided protective actionduring the first large-scale amphibiousoperation in U.S. military history.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. During the last part of the 19th century, navaldevelopments included—a. Introduction of ironclad shipsb. Introduction of riverboats, rams, andgunboatsc. Development of submarinesd. Construction of steeled-hull protectedcruisers, signaling the end of the ironcladse. Development of self-propelled torpedo andlong-range torpedo boatsf. Development of the internal combustionengine for shipsA2. After developing the ironclad, the ConfederateNavy developed the submarine.A3.During the Civil War Battle of Mobile bay,Admiral Farragut gave order, “Damn thetorpedoes! Full speed ahead.”A4. Alfred T. Mahan influenced naval strategythrough his books that stressed the idea thatwithout control of the seas, a nation couldn’texpect victory. He was one of the firstinstructors at the Naval War College andshared his knowledge on sea power and theimportance of understanding naval needs.A5. The Spanish-American war began when theMaine was blown up and 250 Sailors werekilled.A6.Commander George Dewey was instrumentalin quickly ending the Spanish-American War.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1.The development of airplanes occurred at thistime.A2.The U.S. Navy was deployed to stop GermanU-boats from practicing unrestricted warfareand terrorizing the seas.A3.During this war, destroyers were used as themain defense against German U-boats. They5-39
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