also served as an escort for troop ships andsupply convoys for the allies.A4.During this war, the air forces supportedsurface antisubmarine forces.A5.During this war, women enlisted in the Navy asYeoman (F), releasing enlisted men for activeservice at sea.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1.The Battle of Coral Sea was fought by aircraft,all of which were launched from carriers. Thisbattle saved Australia from being invaded bythe Japanese.A2. The major naval battles in the Pacific duringWorld War II and their significance is asfollows:a. Battle of Guadalcanal—The SolomonIslands came under allied control and thed a n g e r o f Au s t r a l i a c o m i n g u n d e rJapanese attack was lessenedb. Battle of the Philippine Sea—Heavy lossesof ships, aircraft, and pilots paralyzed theJapanese Fleetc. Battle of Leyte Gulf—Deciding blow to theJapanese Navy. Losing control of thePhilippines meant that the Japanese homelandwas cut off from its main source of suppliesfrom the south.d. Battle of Midway—The turning point ofthe war in the Pacific.e. T h e B a t t l e s o f O k i n a w a a n d I w oJima—Defeat of the Japanese in thesebattles signaled an approach to the end ofthe war.A3.During World War II, the U.S. Navy protectedconvoys bound for Europe from GermanU-boat attack.A4. Some of the types of ships that changed the shapeof the Navy changed during World War II includelanding ships, frigates, attack cargo ships,transport ships, barracks ships, net tenders,repair ships, radar pickets minelayers, andmine sweepers.A5.On 30 Jul 1943, Congress authorized theestablishment of the Women’s Reserve to fillacute shortages of personnel during WorldWar II.A6. The Women’s Armed Services Integration Actabolished the Women’s Reserve and gavewomen full partnership in the Navy.REVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1. Some of the Navy’s roles during the KoreanConflict included—a. Providing close air support to knock outbridges and block enemy routes with theuse of jets from carriersb. Navy helicopters spotted enemy artilleryc. Navy ships supported the amphibiouslanding at Inchon through massive shorebombardment before ground forces landedd. The Navy successfully used its battleshipsto intervene in ground operations farashore.A2. Some of the Navy’s missions during the VietnamPolice Action included—a. Surface ship-based gunfire supportb. Carrier-based aircraft operationsc. Coastal interdiction patrols against theenemyA3. Other actions the Navy was involved with duringthe same timeframe as the Vietnam PoliceAction include—a. The manned space exploration programb. Manned undersea exploration, using deepsubmergence vehicles and underwaterlaboratoriesA4.During the Iraq – Iran War, the Navy escortedand protected oil tankers in transit to andfrom the Persian Gulf against Iranian attacks.A5. The Navy’s contributions during OperationDessert Storm included—a. Providing sea controlb. Naval gunfire support for sea to groundforces5-40
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