Weapons. In early 1965 came the announcement ofthe proposal to develop a new missile for the fleetballistic missile system—the Poseidon. The growthpotential of the ballistic missile submarine launchingsystem has enabled the Poseidon to fit into the same16-missile tubes that carried the Polaris. Like thePolaris A-3, it is able to reach any spot on earth from itsnuclear-powered hiding place. Its increased accuracy,greater payload, and improved ability to penetrateenemy defenses make the Poseidon more effective thanthe Polaris.On July 19, 1974, construction of the new Tridentundersea nuclear weapons system commenced. TheTrident system consists of three principal elements: anuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarine(SSBN), a strategic weapons system (the missile), andan integrated logistics support system. The first Tridentsubmarine was the USS Ohio (SSBN-726), a nuclearpowered fleet ballistic missile submarine. The USSOhio was delivered to the Navy in 1981. Since then, theNavy has accepted delivery of 10 more Tridentsubmarines.THE PERSIAN GULFAs with other wars, conflicts, or areas of militaryaggression, U.S. naval forces operate in the hostile areaof the Persian Gulf. U.S. naval forces have been presentin this vital oil-rich region for many years.The events leading to an increased number of U.S.naval units in the Persian Gulf (fig. 5-20) began in themid 1980s. Iran and Iraq were at war. Iraq had begunattacking Iranian oil facilities and tankers; in response,Iran began attacks against ships flying flags of countriessympathetic to Iraq. U.S. Navy ships quickly beganescort and protection operations for U.S.-flaggedtankers.As the war between Iran and Iraq widened, so didthe dangers to U.S. Navy ships operating in the Gulf.Iran started laying mines in the Gulf and began usingsmall suicide boats to raid U.S. tankers and naval units.Iraq also possessed weapons that could causetremendous damage and casualties. These weaponsproved costly to the United States. In May 1987, anIraqi aircraft mistakenly fired two missiles that struckUSS Stark (FFG-31), killing 37 sailors and woundingmany more. In April 1988, Iran’s use of mines causedconsiderable damage to USS Samuel B. Roberts(FFG-58). Until that time, the U.S. Navy’s presence waslargely defensive. When forced to take offensive action,the United States acted quickly. U.S. Navy shipsbombarded an Iranian oil platform being used as acommand post and sank a mine-laying vessel carryingout operations.DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORMOn 2 August 1990, the president of Iraq SaddamHussein, ordered the world’s fourth largest army fromIraq to invade the country Kuwait. The United Statesdeployed a major joint force which served as thefoundation for a powerful 33-nation military coalitionto stem Iraq’s brutal aggression. Operation DesertShield/Desert Storm was born. The United States Navyprovided the sea control and maritime superiority thatpaved the way for the introduction of U.S. and allied airand ground forces. The United States offered strongleadership for the multinational naval force.Desert Shield/Desert Storm brought together thelargest force of Navy warships assembled in a singletheater since World War II, adding a powerful punch toNavy forces already on scene the night of Iraq’sinvasion of Kuwait. Long-established maritimesuperiority facilitated the largest, fastest strategic sealiftin history, with more than 240 ships carrying more than18.3 billion pounds of equipment and supplies to sustainthe forces of Desert Shield/Desert Storm.Under the Navy’s Total Force concept more than21,000 naval reservists were called to active duty in5-34Figure 5-20.—Persian Gulf award.Student Notes:
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