13. What action, if any, should you take if yoususpect someone you know is compromisingclassified material?1. Confront the individual2. Report it to the command security officer3. Report it to your CO through the chain ofcommand4. None14. Terrorists try to force governments or societiesto take certain actions for political, religious,or ideological purposes.1. True2. False15. The greatest publicity is given to which of thefollowing terrorism methods?1. Taking hostages2. Bombing3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Sabotage16. Which of the following threat conditionsaffords the highest degree of readiness?1. ALPHA2. BRAVO3. CHARLIE4. DELTA17. The Status of Forces Agreement covers whichof the following topics?1. Taxes2. Criminal jurisdiction3. Passport requirements4. All of the above18. In what year did the Geneva Prisoners of WarConvention establish certain rights forprisoners of war?1. 19482. 19493. 19504. 195119. The Law of Armed Conflict prohibits which ofthe following techniques or tactics?1. Rape2. Pillage3. Plunder4. All of the above20. The Geneva Convention recognizes aprisoner’s right to try to escape. Which of thefollowing disciplinary actions may be takenwhen a prisoner is caught in an escapeattempt?1. Stoppage of extra privileges2. Confinement3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Torture22-24
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