the ship.DRIFT—The speed at which a ship is pushed offcourse by wind and current.DROUGUE—See SEA ANCHOR.DRYDOCK—A dock from which the water may beremoved for the purpose of inspecting or workingon a ship’s bottom; it may be either floating or builtinto the shore.EASE—To relax, to slack.EASE HER—Reduce the amount of rudder the ship iscarrying.EBB, EBB TIDE, ON THE EBB—A falling tide.EIGHT O’CLOCK REPORTS—Reports receivedshortly before 2000 by the executive officer fromthe heads of departments.E N G I N E - O R D E R T E L E G R A P H — E l e c t r o -mechanical device that transmits orders to theengine room concerning the speed of the engines.ENSIGN—(1) The national flag. (2) The lowest gradeof commissioned officer.EYES—The most forward part of the forecastle.FAIRLEAD—A device, usually a block, for leading aline around a corner.FAIRWAY—Thoroughfare for a ship.FALL—A line, wire, or chain rove on a purchase.FANTAIL—The after end of the main deck.FATHOM—Unit of measurement equal to a depth of 6feet.FENDER—A cushioning device hung over the side ofa ship to prevent contact between the ship and thepier or another ship.FID—A long, tapered, wooden tool used to open thestrands of a line for splicing.FIELD DAY—A day devoted to general cleaning,usually in preparation for an inspection.FIREMAIN—Piping system to which fire hydrantsare connected.FIRST WATCH—The 2000 to 2400 watch. Alsocalled the evening watch.FIRST CALL—A routine call sounded as a warningsignal for roll call formations and many otherceremonies; also sounded 5 minutes beforemorning and evening colors.FISHHOOK—A broken end of wire protruding froma wire rope.FLAG OFFICER—An officer of the rank of rearadmiral or higher.FLAGSTAFF—Vertical staff at the stern to which theensign is hoisted when moored or at anchor.FLAT—Partial deck (often a grating) to providewalking and working surfaces; used extensively inengineering spaces.FLEET—An organization of ships, aircraft, marineforces, and shore-based fleet activities, all underone commander, for the purpose of conductingmajor operations.FLOOD—(1) To fill a space with water. (2) A risingtide.FOGY—(Pronounced fo-gee.) A longevity payincrease.FORE—Forward.FORE AND AFT—The entire length of a ship, as in“Sweep down fore and aft.”FORECASTLE—(Pronounced fok-sul.) Forwardsection of the main deck, generally extending fromthe stem aft to just abaft the anchor windlass.FOREMAST—First mast aft from the bow.FORENOON WATCH—The 0800 to 1200 watch.FOUL—(1) Entangled, as “The lines are foul of eachother.” (2) Stormy.FOUNDER—To sink because of being overwhelmedby the sea.FRAME—The athwartship strength member of aship’s hull.FRAPPING LINES—Lines passed around boat fallsto steady the boat when hoisting or lowering.FREEBOARD—Vertical distance from waterline toweather deck.GAFF—A light spar set at an angle from the upper partof a mast from which the ensign is flown when aship is under way.GALLEY—Space where food is prepared. Nevercalled a kitchen.AI-5
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