285-20. When there are five rounds in a magazine,you can see the brass casing of a bullet inwhat opening from the bottom of themagazine?1. First2. Second3. Third4. Fourth5-21. Side boys are NOT paraded on what day?1. Payday2. Saturday3. Sunday4. Any holiday5-22. Side boys are NOT paraded during whichof the following times?1. Between sunset and 08002. Meal hours3. General drills4. All of the above5-23. An informal visit of courtesy requiring nospecial ceremonies is a/an1. sight visit2. call3. look and see4. informal request5-24. When a gun salute is prescribed on arrival,it is fired as the visitor approaches and is1. at the first step onto the deck2. still inside transportation3. still clear of the side4. on deck5-25. When a gun salute is not prescribed onarrival and a flag or pennant is to bedisplayed during the visit, the flag is brokenat which of the following points of the pipe?1. End2. Start3. Either 1 or 2 above4. During5-26. When a visitor is ready to leave the ship,the guard presents arms; all persons on thequarterdeck salute; and ruffles and flourishes,followed by music, is sounded. What happensnext?1.“Two” is sounded2. Anthem is played3. Flag or pennant is displayed4. Visitor is piped over the side5-27. When a gun salute is directed upondeparture, it is fired1. at the visitor’s first step off the deck2. when the visitor is getting in/ontransportation3. when the visitor is clear of the side4. while the visitor is still on deck5-28. The POOW should notify the OOD of achange during any 1-hour period in thebarometric pressure reading of a minimumof how many inches?1. 0.052. 0.023. 0.034. 0.045-29. What instrument is designed to measurebarometric pressure?1. Thermometer2. Aneroid barometer3. Wind vane4. U-tube manometer5-30. What is the average atmospheric pressureat sea level in inches of mercury?1. 30.302. 29.923. 28.324. 25.92
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