305-41. As a section leader, you report to whatperson after normal working hours?1. LPO2. OOD3. CDO4. Department duty officer5-42. Which, if any, of the following responsi-bilities belong to the police petty officer?1. Apprehending violators2. Keeping the quarterdeck clearof unauthorized personnel3. Serving as court liaison4. None of the above5-43. When you are assigned as a temporarymaster-at-arms, how long is the usual tourof duty?1. 1 month2. 3 months3. 6 months4. 12 months5-44. Authority to create a shore patrol outside thecontinental limits of the United States hasbeen delegated to naval area representativesby the1. President of the United States2. U.S. Congress3. SECNAV4. CNO5-45. When serving on shore patrol overseas,you apprehend an unauthorized absenteewho presents an orderly appearance andis obviously returning to base. You shouldpermit the Sailor to proceed.1. True2. False5-46. Shore patrol personnel should never acceptconcessions, such as favors or gifts.1. True2. False5-47. When standing shore patrol duties, younormally have jurisdiction over militarydependants (civilians) and military personnel.1. True2. False5-48. Enlisted shore patrol personnel shouldapprehend an officer only when situationsoffer no alternative.1. True2. False5-49. When apprehending members of the oppositesex, it is never permissible to have physicalcontact.1. True2. False5-50. A squad at full strength normally consistsof how many personnel?1. 102. 113. 124. 135-51. A platoon consists of a minimum of howmany squads?1. One2. Only two3. Two or more4. Only three5-52. A company consists of how many platoons?1. One2. Only two3. Two or more4. Only three5-53. Quick time is cadence at how many steps perminute?1. 302. 603. 1204. 240
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