off the wounded area. Once a battle dressing hasbeen applied to a wound, it shouldn’t be removed exceptby medical personnel. Each ship in the Navy holdsperiodic training on first aid. There are always new andupdated techniques on how to administer first-aidprocedures, including how to apply battle dressings.Pay particular attention to these training sessions andlearn as must as you possibly can.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the three types of blood vessels the bodyuses to circulate blood.a.b.c.Q2. Under what condition is hemorrhage (bleeding)severe enough to endanger life?Q3. A loss of how many pints of blood will usuallycause shock?Q4. What color is blood carried by (a) capillaries, (b)veins, and (c) arteries?a.b.c.Q5. What is the only way to stop serious bleeding?14-13Figure 14-10.—Direct pressure.Figure 14-12.—Battle dressing.Figure 14-13.—Applying a constricting band.Student Notes:
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