Fiberglass isnt totally safe to work with. Certain
safety precautions must be observed when working with
or around fiberglass. If fiberglass is cut or ground, a fine
dust is produced. This dust is abrasive and can irritate
your skin and eyes. Use a filter mask respirator when
working in this type of atmosphere.
The chemicals used in making fiberglass and fiber
glass patches are very flammable and toxic. Provide
adequate ventilation to remove the fumes and dust
particles. Most important, never smoke in areas where
fiberglass work is being carried out.
Q1. What is the cause of many fatal shocks received
from drills and fans?
Q2. List the three types of hazards associated with
compressed gases.
Q3. True or false. Oxygen and chlorine are stowed in
compartments separate from flammable gases.
Q4. Why should you use a filter mask respirator
when working with fiberglass?
During your career in the Navy, you may be
required to use a variety of power tools. Whether these
tools are electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic, the same
common sense safety precautions apply to all of them.
Before you use a portable electric tool for the first
time, have it inspected and approved by the ships
electrical department for safety. If it has a current ships
inspection mark, visually examine the attached cable
for any cracks, breaks, exposed conductors, or a
damaged plug. If any defects are found, turn the tool in
to the ships electrical shop for repair. Before plugging
an electric tool into a receptacle, make sure the tool is
turned off. When using portable electrical tools, wear
safety glasses or goggles if the job involves danger from
flying objects, such as paint or metal chips. You should
also wear ear protection devices if the tool has a
Produces Hazardous Noise label on it.
Metal-cased portable electric tools must have a
three-pronged plug on the power cord. If an extension
cord is used, it must be the three-pronged type with a
three-pronged plug at one end and a three-pronged
receptacle at the other end. When using an extension
cord with an electric tool, you must first plug the tool
into the extension cord and then the extension cord into
the receptacle. When you are finished with the electric
tool, switch it off, unplug the extension cord from the
receptacle, and then unplug the tool.
Portable tools should be kept clean and in good
repair. Arcing portable tools are not to be used in areas
where flammable vapors, gases, liquids, or exposed
explosives are kept.
The convenience of arc and gas welding and cutting
allows the performance of repair jobs in almost any
location. Failure to use proper safety precautions during
welding or cutting operations presents a serious fire
hazard. Only properly trained personnel should
operate gas welding or cutting equipment. Because
cutting and welding operations are continuously being
performed throughout the ship, you may be called upon
to stand a fire watch and must be familiar with the safety
precautions of such operations. The following are some
basic precautions to be taken during welding or cutting
The gases used in welding and cutting are
explosive. When one of these gases is mixed with air,
the mixture will burst into flames if a spark or flame is
brought near it.
Student Notes: