11. Approximately how many ships did theBritish loose to privateers?1.1,0002.1,5003.2,0004.2,50012. What is the oldest U.S. Navy ship stillin commission?1. Lexington2. Constitution3. Constellation4. Bonhomme Richard13. Who was president when the U.S. NavyDepartment was established?1. George Washington2. Thomas Jefferson3. James Madison4. John Adams14. When did the expression “Millions for defense,but not one cent for tribute” originate?1. During the Revolutionary War2. During the “Quasi” War3. During the War of 18124. During the Barbary States War15. Who led the naval forces into Tripoli Harborand destroyed the captured US frigate USSPhiladelphia?1. Stephen Decatur2. James Lawrence3. Thomas Truxtun4. Edward Preple16. The War of 1812 was caused, in part, by theefforts to accomplish which of the followinggoals?1. Establishing a naval base in theMediterranean2. Paying ransom payments to the BarbaryStates3. Stopping forced service of Americanseamen in the British navy4. Forcing France to establish trade relationswith the United States17. During the War of 1812, what ship earnedthe nickname “Old Ironsides”?1. Chesapeake2. Constitution3. Constellation4. Enterprise18. On which of the following Great Lakes didCaptain Oliver Hazard Perry defeat a Britishsquadron, cutting British supply lines?1. Lake Superior2. Lake Michigan3. Lake Huron4. Lake Erie19. What ship was one of the first ships-of-the line?1. Constitution2. Enterprise3. Philadelphia4. North Carolina20. The first half of the 19th century saw adevelopment that was to change navies allover the world. What was that development?1. Task forces2. Steam power3. Steel hulls4. Practical submarines21. In 1843, what invention incorporated in theUSS Princeton paved the way for progress inthe development of propulsion systems?1. The screw propeller2. The diesel engine3. The coal-fired boiler4. The stern paddle wheel22. In 1854, Commodore Perry signed a treatythat opened up what market to Americantrade?1. China2. Japan3. Russia4. India14
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