1. What date commemorates the birthdayof the United States Navy?1.5 Sep 17742. 13 Oct 17753.4 Jul 17764. 14 Feb 17782. The Second Continental Congress approvedthe purchase of how many vessels?1. Eight2. Six3. Four4. Two3. Which of the following were naval vesselsin the early 19th century?1. Frigates2. Sloops of war3. Ships of the line4. All of the above4. What category of ship carried the largestnumber of guns?1. Ships of the line2. Sloops of war3. Schooners4. Frigates5. What type of ships did privateers typically sail?1. Ships of the line2. Sloops of war3. Schooners4. Frigates6. What ship was the first warfare submarine?1. Turtle2. Hornet3. Alfred4. Wasp7. Which of the following ships has thedistinction of being the U.S. Navy’s firstflagship?1. Providence2. Hornet3. Alfred4. Wasp8. What country was the first to recognizethe “Stars and Stripes”?1. Germany2. France3. Spain4. Portugal9. John Paul Jones is often referred to as the“father of our highest naval traditions”because of the example he set as an officerduring the Revolutionary War. He is alsofamous because of which of the followingaccomplishments?1. His appointment as the first U.S. Navyadmiral2. His selection as the first commander inchief3. His victory over the HMS Serapis4. His capture of the HMS Nancy10. At various times during the RevolutionaryWar, the U.S. Navy had 56 vessels. What wasthe peak number of vessels that were operatingat any one time?1.452.323.274.1513ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment: Chapter 5 “Naval History..”
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