66. What administrative flag is flown in port to
indicate the ship has ready duty?
1. Hotel
2. India
3. Romeo
4. Quebec
67. When under way, the national ensign is
normally flown from what location?
1. The gaff
2. The aftermast
3. The flagstaff
4. The jackstaff
68. Which of the following statements defines
the term colors?
1. Colors give recognition of codes
2. Colors consist of our national ensign
along with the union jack
3. Colors are lights on the flagstaff
4. Colors are the flags of foreign ships
69. When a naval ship is in port or at anchor, the
union jack is flown from what location?
1. The gaff
2. The jackstaff
3. The aftermast
4. The flagstaff
70. The U.S. Navy flag is flown in which of the
following situations?
1. At official ceremonies or official public
gatherings when the Navy is officially a
2 In parades
3. In official Navy occasions
4. Each of the above
71. Which of the following flags are half-masted
at the death of the CO?
1. National ensign
2. Union jack
3. Commission pennant
4. Each of the above
72. On small ships, personnel from what watch
are responsible for hoisting and hauling down
absentee pennants?
1. Security watch
2. Quarterdeck watch
3. Roving watch
4. DC central watch
73. On large ships, what person is responsible for
making sure that special flags or pennants are
displayed to indicate changing events aboard
1. Boatswains mate
2. Quarterdeck watch
3. Duty signalman
4. Topside watch
74. Where is a list of special flags and pennants
normally posted as a ready reference for watch
1. Combat information center (CIC)
2. After deck
3. Quarterdeck area
4. Half deck
75. An officer in command entitled to a personal
flag is embarked in a boat on an official
mission. Where should the pennant be flown?
1. Amid ship
2. In the bow
3. In the stern
4. Yardarm, port