Provide, as directed, such military forces,
military missions, and detachments for
service in foreign countries as may be
necessary to support the national interest
of the United States.
Aid in training and equipping the military
forces of foreign nations.
Provide, as directed, administrative and
logistics support to the headquarters
of unified and specified combatant com-
mands. This includes direct support of the
development and acquisition of the com-
mand and control systems of such head-
Aid each other in the accomplishment of
their respective functions. This includes the
provisions of personnel, intelligence,
training, facilities, equipment, supplies,
and services.
Prepare and submit, in coordination with
other military departments, mobilization
information to the JCS.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff consists of the
Chairman; the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; the
Chief of Naval Operations; the Chief of Staff,
U.S. Air Force; and the Commandant of the
Marine Corps.
The JCS gets support from the Joint Staff.
Collectively, the JCS and the Joint Staff are the
immediate military staff of the SECDEF.
The Chairman of the JCS is the principal
military advisor to the President, the National
Security Council, and the SECDEF. Other
members of the JCS are military advisors who
may provide additional information upon request
from the President, the National Security Council,
or the SECDEF. They may also submit their
advice when it does not agree with that of the
Subject to the authority of the President
and the SECDEF, the Chairman, JCS, has the
following responsibilities:
Aiding the President and the SECDEF in
providing for the strategic direction and
planning of the armed forces
Assigning resources to fulfill strategic plans
Making recommendations for the assign-
ment of responsibilities within the armed
forces by and in support of those logistics
and mobility plans
Comparing the capabilities of American
and allied armed forces with those of
potential adversaries
Preparing and reviewing contingency plans
that conform to policy guidance from the
President and the SECDEF
Preparing joint logistics and mobility plans
to support contingency plans
Recommending assignment of logistics and
mobility responsibilities to the armed
forces to fulfill logistics and mobility plans
The Chairman also advises the SECDEF on
critical deficiencies and strengths in force
capabilities and assesses the effect of such
deficiencies and strengths on meeting national
security goals and meeting strategic plans policies.
He sets up and maintains a uniform system for
checking the preparedness of each unified and
specified combatant command to carry out
assigned missions.
The Chairman advises the SECDEF on the
priorities of the requirements identified by
the commanders of the unified and specified
combatant commands on and to the extent to
which program recommendations and budget
proposals of the military conform with set
priorities. He is responsible for submitting to the
Secretary alternative program recommendations
and budget proposals.
Additionally, the Chairman, JCS, has the
following responsibilities:
Formulating doctrine and training policies
and coordinating military education and
Representing the United States on the
Military Staff Committee of the United
Performing such other duties as prescribed
by the President and the SECDEF
Convening and presiding over regular
meetings of the JCS