• When applicable, properly using and selectingappropriate message handling instruction(s) oroperating signal(s)The following is a recommended checklist formessage drafters to use when preparing a message forthe releaser:MESSAGE DRAFTER’S CHECKLIST— 1.— 2.— 3.— 4.— 5.— 6.— 7.— 8.— 9.— 10.— 1 1 .— 1 2 .— 1 3.Correct page numbering.Precedence.Classification.Time of file same on all pages of multipagemessage.OPS or ADMIN. and OPSIG(s) as required,assigned.Correct placement of FROM/TO/INFO/XMT addee line.Valid short title.Office codes if applicable.Authorized use of AIGs/CADs.Addressees requiring more than one line havesecond and subsequent lines indented fivespaces.Numerical designators spelled out in address.Accounting data included on messagecontaining commercial addresses.Correct symbols used: ZERO (0) andOSCAR (O).— 14. RADDRs correctly formatted.— 15. RADDRs addressed to AIDs/CADs.— 16. Correct SSIC.— 1 7 .— 1 8 .— 1 9 .— 2 0 .— 2 1 .— 2 2.— 2 3 .— 2 4 .Subject line included.References are complete and in proper order.NOTAL/PASEP used if applicable.Downgrading instructions.Distribution correctly prepared.No more than 69 characters to each line.Proper use of correction tape.Proper OCR font used.RELEASER RESPONSIBILITIESThe message releaser is a properly designatedindividual authorized to release a message fortransmission in the name of the orginator. In additionto validating the contents of the message, the releaser’ssignature affirms compliance with message-draftinginstructions. Also, the releaser’s signature authorizestransmission of the message.The message releaser is responsible for thefollowing:•••••Establishing message staffing and processingprocedures, within the scope of his or herauthority, designed to prevent inordinate delays,eliminate backlogs, and foster an even flow ofmessages throughoutEnsuring either “OPS” or “ADMIN” is typed inthe MESSAGE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONblockEnsuring all personnel under his or her controlare briefed and understand the meaning andimportance of MINIMIZEDeciding whether the message qualifies forelectrical transmission or should be sent viaNAVGRAMEnsuring the drafter has complied withNTP 3(H) and supplemental instructions, withparticular attention paid to classified messages8-9
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