For you to understand and use the Directives
Issuance System to your best advantage, you should
know the meaning of the terms used in the system. The
following terms and their definitions will aid you in
interpreting directives:
All ships and stations. The "To" line of a directive
from specified organizations in the Washington, D.C.,
area to all or most of the components of the Department
of the Navy.
Change transmittal. The method used to transmit
changes to an instruction or, under extenuating
circumstances, a notice. A change transmittal describes
the change(s) it transmits and gives directions for
making the change(s).
Check list. A numerical list of effective instructions
used to verify the completeness and currency of a master
set of instructions.
Directives. An instruction (order), a notice, or a
change transmittal. A directive prescribes or establishes
policy, organization, conduct, methods, or procedures;
requires action or sets forth information essential to the
effective administration or operation of activities; or
contains authority or information that must be issued
Directives Issuance System. The standard
procedure and format used to issue policies, procedures,
and information as described in SECNAVINST
Distribution list. A list of action and
information addressees of a directive.
Instruction. A directive containing authority or
information having continuing reference value or
requiring continuing action. An instruction remains in
effect until superseded or canceled by the issuing
authority or higher authority.
Issuing authority. The chief official of an
established independent component by whose authority
and under whose title a directive is issued.
Joint directive. A directive issued jointly by one
authority in conjunction with one or more other
Letter-type directive. An instruction or a notice
issued in a format similar to a naval letter.
Message-type directive. A directive transmitted via
the Naval Communications System.
Notice. A directive of a one-time or brief nature with
a self-canceling provision. It is not permitted to remain
in effect for more than 1 year. A notice, while in effect,
has the same force and effect as an instruction.
Page change. An additional or replacement page for
an instruction or notice, transmitted under cover of a
change transmittal, for insertion by recipients.
Pen change. A change, usually relatively short,
which is entered in the basic document in handwriting
by the recipient. Directions will state precisely where
the change occurs; that is, page, paragraph, line number,
and any other pertinent information.
Publication-type directive. An instruction or a
notice in which its content is best suited to a publication
format; that is, parts, chapters, sections, and so on.
Revision. Reissue of an existing instruction in
completely rewritten form.
Special Distribution List. A list of addressees
compiled by an issuing authority to meet special
recurring distribution needs when use of the Standard
Navy Distribution List (SNDL) would be impractical.
The list is compiled on the basis of some common
denominator, such as the ships under a single type
Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL). The list
that provides official addressing and distribution
information for the naval establishment.
Washington headquarters organizations.
Washington headquarters organizatins consist of Navy
Department components; the headquarters of the six
systems commands; the Communications, Intelligence,
Security Group, and Weather Service Command; and
the Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy.
Weekly transmittal sheet. The means by which the
Navy Publications and Printing Service makes initial
distribution of directives addressed to all ships and
headquarters organizations and such other organizations
as the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) may determine.
A unit directives system provides wide
dissemination of the policies of the commanding officer
and other commands responsible for operating the unit.
It also provides the means for subordinates to issue
amplifying and supplementary instruction for placing
those policies in effect. Finally, it permits integration of
the unit directives with those received from outside the
unit. That ensures the policies and procedures used in