Family service programs; for example,
Ombudsman and Family Service Centers
Bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ) program
Habitability Afloat Program
Commissary and Navy exchange advisory
boards (ashore)
General mess and ships store advisory boards
Humanitarian reassignment/hardship
discharge screening boards
Command examining boards
Recreation advisory boards
Chief petty officer (CPO) initiations
Command Sponsor Program
Based on the Department of Defense (DOD) Pay
and Entitlements Manual, personnel are entitled to a
one-time uniform allowance upon reporting for duty as
an FM/C. All FM/Cs and CM/Cs wear either distinctive
rating badges or breast insignia or both, depending on
the office the individual holds (fig. 2-2).
Following a successful tour as FM/C, an individual
will wear two gold stars and a gold rating specialty mark
when serving in his or her rating assignments. If
assigned as a CM/C following a tour as FM/C, the
individual will wear two gold stars and the silver star of
a CM/C in place of the rating insignia as specified in
U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, NAVPERS 15665G.
Upon retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve,
when authority is given to wear the uniform, a member
having successfully completed a tour as FM/C may wear
gold stars and specialty marks and badges identifying a
fleet or force master chief.
Commanders/commanding officers, other than
those of the activities listed in figure 2-1, meeting the
CM/C criteria should make sure their Enlisted
Manpower Authorization reflects a billet title of
command master chief with NEC 9580. If a
commander/commanding officer wishes to fill a CM/C
billet from within his or her crew, nomination of the
eligible master chief will be to the CM/C detailer for
screening and possible assignment.
Commanders/commanding officers will provide
adequate support for their FM/C or CM/C including the
Visibility within the command/fleet/force as the
a d v i s o r t o
commander/commanding officer
Attendance of CM/Cs at appropriate seminars
and conferences when higher authority thinks
attendance is necessary. The parent command
normally provides fiscal support.
Figure 2-2.-Command chief, senior chief, and master chief; force and fleet master chiefs; and master chief petty officer of the Navy
rating badges and breast insignias.