Board of Managers, Navy Relief SocietyBoard of Administrators of the Bureau of NavalPersonnel (BUPERS) Central NonappropriatedFundsBoard of Equal Opportunity for WomenMaster, senior, and chief petty officer selectionboards (consultant)Quality Control Review Board (consultant)CNO’S MCPO ADVISORY PANELTwice a year the CNO convenes the MCPOadvisory panel in Washington, D.C. The panel consistsof the fleet and force master chiefs (FM/Cs) andCNO-directed command master chiefs (CM/Cs). TheMCPON serves as chairman of the panel.In March, the panel convenes for 5 days of intensivebriefings and updates on current enlisted personnelissues. They also consider current congressional issues.Included on the agenda are briefings by the CNO andCHNAVPERS.In September, the panel meets again for a week towork on issues tasked by the CNO and on point paperssubmitted by enlisted personnel via their chain ofcommand. Invitations are sent to former MCPONs toattend and participate in the panel discussions. Thiscustom enables the panel to benefit from the wisdomand experience of these former MCPONs and to get ahistorical perspective on agenda issues.After the September panel, recommendations(prepared in point paper format) are sent by the MCPONto the CNO for his consideration. The fleet/force masterchiefs are informed of the status of the recommendationsby the MCPON’s office.Since its first convening in 1971, the panel hasbegun many of the changes that have enhanced theenlisted sailor’s quality of life. It also has given avaluable avenue of two-way communication betweenthe sailors in the fleet and their leaders in Washington.FLEET-, FORCE-, ANDCNO-DIRECTED COMMAND MASTERCHIEFSAs you may have surmised by now, major sourcesof information for the MCPON are the fleet, force, andcommand master chiefs. The fleet and force masterchiefs (FM/Cs) provide senior enlisted representationon the staffs of fleet, force, and type commanders.CNO-directed CM/Cs give the same support to theirrespective commander/commanding officer.Activities with FM/C and CNO-directed CM/Crequirements are listed in figure 2-1. These people makeup the CNO’s MCPO Advisory Panel. Assignments areat the discretion of the CNO. The CNO will review theserequirements in July 1992 and then again every 3 years.SELECTION OF FM/Cs ANDCNO-DIRECTED CM/CsCriteria for selection of the fleet-, force-, andCNO-directed command master chiefs have basis ondemonstrated superior leadership qualities and broadmanagement skills. The ability to communicateeffectively with juniors and seniors is part of theselection criteria. However, to be eligible for selectionas a fleet-, force-, or CNO-directed command masterchief, these individuals are not required to be serving asCM/Cs or to be former CM/Cs,Selection as an FM/C or CM/C for those commandslisted in figure 2-1 will be under the criteria set up bythe respective commander. Selections should be withoutconsideration as to rating, type of duty, or precedenceamong contemporaries.ASSIGNMENT OF FLEET AND FORCEMASTER CHIEFSFM/C assignments are neutral duty forpurposes, with a normal tour length of 36rotationmonths.FM/Cs receive Navy enlisted classification code (NEC)9588 and have an option to be closed-loop detailed asCM/Cs in all future assignments,COMMAND MASTER CHIEFFor the purpose of this chapter, reference to the termcommand master chief (CM/C) includes the positionsof command senior chief and command chief.The CM/C is the enlisted advisor to the commandon the formulation and implementation of policiespertinent to morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline,use, and training of all enlisted personnel. As such theCM/C has direct access to the commanding officer. TheCM/C takes precedence over all other enlisted memberswithin a command.SELECTION AS PRIMARY DUTY CM/CCandidates for primaryreceive nominations fromduty CM/C assignmentstheir respective rating2-2
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