GRAM. This program provides training for
qualified volunteers from selected ratings in super-
operating, and maintaining nuclear
propulsion plants aboard submarines and surface
ships. Nuclear qualification also makes other
career incentives available, such as special pay and
reenlistment bonuses.
ING PROGRAM. The Strategic Weapons
System (SWS) Program provides highly trained
personnel for Poseidon and Trident submarines.
Applicants can use the Lateral Conversion or
SCORE Program to convert to one of the SWS
ratings (ET, FTB, or MT) if necessary.
Educational Programs
Education is the key to self-improvement and
a better understanding of the world in which we
live. Through new learning experiences, you can
come to a greater understanding of your place
in our world. In todays Navy, educational
opportunities are plentiful, and you should take
full advantage of those opportunities. In the
following paragraphs we will discuss some of the
educational opportunities available to you.
NAVY CAMPUS. Navy Campus coor-
dinates off-duty education for Navy personnel
and integrates it with on-duty Navy programs.
Navy Campus includes all educational activities,
from basic education skills to graduate study. The
purpose of Navy Campus is to provide Navy
personnel with opportunities to achieve their
career and educational goals.
On-Base Navy Campus Program. This
program includes a wide range of courses and
programs, from high school completion through
college degree. Civilian colleges and universities
on board Navy installations offer these courses.
Navy Campus Certificate/Degree Program.
This program provides Navy members with an
opportunity to collect college credits through
various sources and apply them toward a degree
from an accredited college or university. Person-
nel can earn both 2- and 4-year degrees through
this program. Participating colleges waive state
residency requirements. These colleges also accept
up to 75 percent of degree credits through college-
approved nontraditional means; for example, you
may receive credit for examinations taken through
Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education
Support (DANTES) and for military training or
Tuition Assistance Program. The purpose of
the Navys Tuition Assistance (TA) Program is
to provide financial assistance to eligible person-
nel who attend educational institutions on a
voluntary, off-duty basis. Sailors may use TA for
high school completion, vocational and technical
training, and college courses leading toward
undergraduate and graduate degrees. Under
certain conditions, members may also use TA for
correspondence courses.
Program for Afloat College Education.
Program for Afloat College Education (PACE)
is a part of Navy Campus. Under this program,
accredited colleges or universities offer
undergraduate courses to you aboard ship.
Courses taught under PACE have full funding by
the Navy; however, students have a requirement
to purchase necessary books.
Instructor Services Program. Commanding
officers may organize classes for naval personnel
on almost any subject. Classes may help students
prepare for college-level courses, learn a foreign
language, gain vocational skills, or achieve any
number of other goals. Professional instructors
conduct these classes. Students pay no tuition for
these classes and earn no academic credit.
Basic Skills Program. This fully funded
on-duty program is available at most Navy bases
and on board some surface ships. Courses are to
improve individual competency in reading,
mathematics, English, and writing skills. It also
provides either on-base or off-base classes needed
to earn a high school diploma or an equivalency
National Apprentice Program. Navy people
working in certain skill areas may be eligible for
journeyman status in a nationally recognized
occupation. Under an agreement with the U.S.
Department of Labor, enlisted persons in certain
ratings can register in and complete an appren-
ticeship in related civilian trades. The programs
major purpose is to develop highly skilled Navy-
oriented journeymen who will continue to use
their technical skills and knowledge in the Navy.
Servicemembers Opportunity College,
Navy. Servicemembers Opportunity College,