Figure 6-7.-Adjusting straps. one temple strap (fig. 6-7) untilthe mask feels snug on that side. Tightenthe other temple strap until both sides feelthe same. (Tighten all straps toward therear of the head with small jerks vice along pull.)Run a finger under each temple tab front-to-back to check for snugness and toremove stray hair from sealing area.Grasp a neck strap in each hand andtighten.Grasp a forehead strap in each hand andtighten.Shake head quickly from side to side andup and down. Retighten mask straps asnecessary.NOTE: In subsequent donnings, only the neckstraps should need adjusting.LEAK CHECK AND REMOVAL. —Youmust check the mask for leaks when it is fittedand each time you put it on. A leaky mask willnot protect you from toxic agents that can causesickness or death.WARNINGDo not hold a mask by its canister. Anunscrewed canister is the most commoncause of leaks.Use the following procedures to test for leaks1. the mask and pull the external endof the drinking tube (a quick-disconnectcoupling) out of the outlet valve cover.Grasp the outlet valve assembly with thethumb at the bottom and the forefinger atthe top. Push the forefinger toward themouth to get the internal end of thedrinking tube between the teeth.Test the drinking tube for leaks byblowing into the tube. If resistance is notfelt, the drinking tube is leaking; repair orget a replacement.Push the coupling firmly back into itssocket.Make sure the canister is screwed in tight.Press the palm of the hand over the endof the canister. Breathe in until the lenscollapses, Hold your breath for 10 seconds.If the lens remains collapsed, the mask is6-15
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