development of the short-range training plan. The
long-range training plan should include the
following information:
The Annual Employment Schedule (similar
to fig. 5-1)
A list, including frequency, of all required
examinations, inspections, certifications,
and assist visits (similar to fig. 5-2)
A list of all type commander (TYCOM)
required exercises including periodicity and
the date they were last conducted (similar
to fig. 5-3)
A list of off-ship school and Navy enlisted
classification code (NEC) requirements,
including the names of the personnel who
hold these qualifications (similar to fig. 5-4)
A list of all lectures and seminars ap-
propriate to each training group (similar to
fig. 5-5) (This list should include, as
a minimum, the Fundamental and Systems
topics from applicable personnel qualifi-
cation standards [PQS].)
The training officer and department heads are
responsible for developing and maintaining the
long-range plan. The department head con-
solidates the information required for the long-
range plan for all the training groups within the
department and forwards the department long-
range training plan to the training officer. The
training officer consolidates the long-range plans
received from each department and adds all unit
level training requirements (e.g., general military
training [GMT]), indoctrination training). The
training officer then consolidates this information
into one package and presents it to the executive
officer for review and the commanding officer for
Figure 5-1.-Example of an Annual Employment Schedule.