Table 7-8.—Recommended Personnel Action AgainstTable 7-8 summarizes actions personnelshould take to reduce injuries from air, surface,and underwater detonations for “warning” and“no warning” attack situations.The maneuvers to reduce the vulnerability oftopside personnel to both thermal radiation andair blast effects of air and surface bursts areexplained in the following paragraphs.Personnel in Open Topside AreasWhen you see the flash or see the sky light up,close your eyes and immediately raise your handsto cover your face. Personnel hands-to-faceevasion is practical only for topside personnel whoare alerted by the flash. The hands-to-faceevasion is designed to provide protection againstair blast and thermal radiation.Meanwhile, drop to the deck as rapidly aspossible. Do not use your hands to break yourfall; use your shoulder. Keep your hands overyour face, and curl up to present a minimumtarget. You may feel the heat from the detonation.Two to five seconds after the flash (depending onthe weapon yield) or after the heat sensation isover, remove your hands from your face. Thenimmediately grab hold of a solid ship structurefirmly to prevent the air blast winds from blowingyou overboard or against the ship’s structure. Youmay suffer flash blindness for up to 30 minutes.Personnel in Congested Topside AreasYou may be in a position in which you cannotquickly drop to the deck (as those on a gunmount). In such a case, when you see the flashor see the sky light up, close your eyes andimmediately raise your hands to cover your faceas rapidly as possible, while crouching andbending your head down. You may feel the heatfrom the weapon. At this point, grab hold of asolid ship structure to keep from being blownoverboard or against the ship’s structure by theair-blast winds.Underwater shock produces injuries amongtopside and below-deck personnel by themechanical transmission of the water shock forcethroughout the ship structure. The shock forceresults in rapid upward acceleration of the deck.The deck hits personnel and throws them offbalance, propelling them into the overhead or intobulkheads. Personnel can reduce the severity ofpotential injuries if they hold on to solid shipstructures, flex their knees, and rest on the ballsof their feet. If personnel expect underwatershock, they should not lie prone on the deckbecause this position subjects more body area tothe forces transmitted through the deck.Self-Aid and First AidIf you or your shipmates should sustain injuriesor become contaminated with radiological,biological, or chemical agents during an attack,you can increase your chances of survival byimmediately administering certain self-aid andfirst-aid measures, Self-aid consists of thosemeasures that individuals can apply to helpthemselves. First aid is the assistance given bynonmedical personnel to a casualty until medicalhelp arrives.Treat the blast and heat injuries from a nuclearexplosion in the same manner as those resultingfrom high-explosive bombs, incendiary weapons,and mechanical accidents. Follow standard self-aidand first-aid measures in treating fractures,concussions, lacerations, contusions, hemorrhages,burns, shock, and exposure.Immediate treatment is not needed for nuclearradiation sickness. Remember, you could receivea dose of radiation even though you are NOTcontaminated with radioactive particles. If thepossibility exists that you have been exposed tonuclear radiation, you will be checked by medicalpersonnel and given appropriate treatment.If directed, proceed to a personnel decon-tamination station, where you will discard yourclothing and equipment and take a shower. Inwashing, use plenty of soap and warm water; pay7-22Nuclear Detonations
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