damage control circuit and is common to thedamage control station and all repair parties. Itconnects DCC with repair parties II, III, and V.The 3, 4, 5, 6, and even 7JZ circuits are individualrepair party circuits connecting each repair partystation with its auxiliary station and patrol area.The following are some of the other typicalsound-powered circuits:JA (Captain’s battle circuit) Connectsconn, pilot house, interior communica-tions (IC) room, combat informationcenter (CIC), and damage control central(DCC)JV (Maneuvering circuit) Connects pilothouse, bridge wings, main engine control,forecastle, fantail, steering gear room, ICroom, and DCC2JV (Engineer’s circuit) Connects allmachinery spaces, engineer log room, ICroom, emergency diesel generator space,main distribution switchboards, smokewatch, fueling station, and DCCX-40J (Casualty communication circuit)Provides a means of rigging communica-tion lines between vital stations during anemergency conditionThe 4MC circuit is the damage control intercomsystem. It provides two-way communicationsbetween DCC and the repair stations. It alsoprovides communications from repair lockers totheir respective unit patrol areas by means ofremote units powered through the call switcheson the repair lockers’ intercom unit.Ship’s service telephones are available for usewhere they are installed near repair stations. Donot place too much reliance on them, as they maygo out of commission early in the action.The ship’s general announcing system is ameans of communications, but so many stationsare affected that it should only be used when allother methods fail.When all other means of communicationshave failed, you can use messengers. Trainmessengers to relay oral orders informationwithout error, even though written messages aremore reliable. See Military Requirements for PettyOfficer Third Class, NAVEDTRA 12044, for adiscussion on messengers.For more in-depth information on sound-powered telephone procedures and the correctterminology, refer to Naval Ships’ TechnicalManual, chapter 470; Basic Military Require-ments, NAVEDTRA 12043, chapter 21; andSound-Powered Phone Talkers Manual, NAV-PERS 14005-A.PERSONNEL CASUALTY CONTROLFirst aid is the emergency treatment of the sickor injured before regular medical or surgicalattention can be obtained. In this section we willonly give you basic rules. For more detailedinformation on treatment, refer to Basic MilitaryRequirements, NAVEDTRA 12043. First aid doesnot take the place of proper medical attention.It only provides assistance to the injured untilproper medical care can be obtained. The purposeof first aid is to1. save life,2. prevent further injury, and3. preserve resistance and vitality.When providing first aid to injured person-nel, be sure to follow these rules:1. Keep the patient lying down, head level,until the injuries have been determined.2. Examine the patient for cessation ofbreathing, hemorrhage, and evidence of shock.These conditions take precedence in this orderover everything else and demand immediatetreatment.3. Remove clothing to determine the extentof the injury. Rip or cut the clothing along theseams, Removing clothing in the normal mannermay compound the injury, especially in fractures.Do not remove too much clothing; exposure tocold may bring on the condition of shock.4. Remain calm. Act quickly but efficiently.Determine which of the patient’s injuries needsattention first, and then determine the proposedcourse of action.5. Keep the patient comfortable. This can bedone while the patient’s injuries are being treated.A blanket may do the patient as much good asthe dressing applied to his wounds. Keep theinjured person warm enough to maintain normalbody temperature.6. Do not allow the patient to see the injury.Assure the patient that the injuries are understoodand that good care will be given. Such things areimportant in keeping a patient calm and preventingshock.7-18
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