EFFECTS OF NERVE AGENTS. —You shouldconsider nerve agents to be the most dangerousbecause of their ability, even in small amounts,to cause casualties. Their detection by the sensesis unlikely since they are colorless, tasteless, andvirtually odorless, They cause no irritation oninitial contact or on entry into the body. Nerveagents can cause casualties almost immediatelywhen vapor is inhaled, when liquid is absorbedby the eyes or wounds, or when you consumecontaminanted food and water. Speed, both indonning your mask and in removing of con-tamination from exposed skin, is imperative. Youcan inhale a lethal dose in 5 to 10 seconds.Symptoms will occur in about 1 minute, in-capacitation in 1 1/2 minutes, and death in about6 minutes.At the first sign of a NERVE AGENT in theatmosphere, stop breathing and put on yourprotective mask immediately. If possible, holdyour breath until the mask is on and properlyadjusted. Wear the mask constantly until you aresure no nerve agent is present in the air and theall-clear signal is given.NOTE: The MCU-2/P gas mask is replacingthe Mk5. This new mask provides an improvedfield of vision, better voice communications,lower breathing resistance, and is more comfort-able to wear than the Mk5 gas mask.If a liquid nerve or blister agent gets on theskin, you should remove it at once using theM-258A1 decontamination kit. Information onhow to use the M-258A1 kit can be found in BasicMilitary Requirements, NAVEDTRA 12043.After decontaminating the affected area, continuewith your combat duties. You should examine thecontaminated area occasionally for local sweatingand muscular twitching. If none develops in thenext half hour and you have no tightness in yourchest, your self-aid was successful and you canforget it. However, if these symptoms do occur,inject one atropine injection and one 2-PAMchloride injection in the outer thigh at once. Wait10 minutes; if symptoms persist, administeranother atropine injection and another 2-PAMchloride injection. Wait 10 minutes; if symptomspersist, administer another atropine injectiononly. You cannot give more than three injectionsunless under the direct supervision of medicalpersonnel. However, under realistic conditionsthis may not be possible, so the senior person onthe scene must make a decision.If a drop or splash of liquid nerve agent shouldget into your eyes, instant action is necessary toavoid serious injury.WARNINGDo not use the M-258A1 kit to decon-taminate the eyes, wounds, or mouth asthe decontaminating agent is poisonousand a caustic hazard.Quickly open a container of uncontaminatedwater, tilt your head back so the eyes look straightupward, and slowly pour the water into the eyesso the irrigation will last not less than 30 seconds.This irrigation must be done in spite of thepresence of nerve agent vapor. Hold your breathas much as possible during this procedure. If youcannot hold your breath long enough to completerinsing the eyes with water for 30 seconds, rinseas long as possible and put on your mask beforebreathing. After taking several breathes with themask on, remove the mask and complete thedecontamination, As soon as the irrigation iscompleted, put on the protective mask at once.Watch the pupil of the contaminated eye duringthe next minute, using a mirror if one is available;or else have someone nearby watch it for you. Ifthe pupil rapidly gets smaller, inject one atropineand one 2-PAM chloride injection at once intothe outer thigh. If the pupil does not get smaller,there is no nerve agent contamination. Do not usethe antidote until you are sure the symptoms arethose of nerve agent poisoning.7-26MCU-2/P protective mask.
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