24.99Figure 7-4.—Flight deck fire, USS Enterprise (CVN-65).devote their entire time to investigative work. Theremaining people in the repair party are able tostart remedial action immediately.Benefits of InvestigationThe first two steps in handling a casualty areto put out fires and control flooding. However,without adequate investigation, no one knowswhat types and quantities of material must beprovided at the scene, which electric circuits orpipelines must be isolated, and which partiallyflooded compartments can be made watertight andpumped dry. For example, as the result of a properinvestigation, a repair locker or unit could stopprogressive floodingin six compartmentscontaining holes that could be plugged inseveral minutes. Without an investigation, theunit might waste the same amount of timeattempting an impossible repair on one leak.FIRE FIGHTINGWhether a battle casualty is caused by a bomb,torpedo, or projectile hit, fire is a common result(fig. 7-4). Unless the fire is quickly extinguished,more serious damage than that caused by theinitial explosion may develop. The process of fire isa three-component chemical reaction requiringfuel, heat, and oxygen. You control and extinguishfires by eliminating one of these components. Firesare classified by type of fuel, as shown in table 7-3.Methods of extinguishing a fire are shown in table7-4.7-10
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