COERCIVE POWER. Coercive power
results from the expectation of a negative reward
if your wishes are not obeyed. For example,
suppose you have counseled a subordinate twice
for minor infractions of regulations. At the third
counseling session, you threaten the subordinate
with NJP. At the next occurrence of the un-
desirable behavior, you place the subordinate on
Coercive power works, but is not the preferred
method of leading subordinates. It works best if
used when all else fails and you feel sure you can
carry through with a threat. Before giving a
threat, you should have some insight as to how
the CO will handle the case. You do not want to
recommend maximum punishment only to have
the CO dismiss the case at mast.
LEGITIMATE POWER. Legitimate power
comes from the authority of your rate and
position in the chain of command. You use this
power in day-to-day business. Although legitimate
power increases with added responsibilities, you
can decrease that power if you fail to meet all of
your responsibilities.
To increase your legitimate power, assume
some of the division officers responsibilities. At
first, the division officer will be glad to have the
help. In time, the division officer will view the
responsibilities as yours and formally delegate
additional authority to you. That would increase
your legitimate power without diminishing the
power of the division officer.
Just as you can increase your legitimate power
by assuming more responsibility, you can decrease
that power by losing responsibility. For example,
if you permit the division officer to assume some
of your responsibilities, the division officer will
eventually begin to view your responsibilities as
his or hers. You will then have less legitimate
power. However, when a subordinate wishes to
assume some of your responsibilities, formally
delegate those responsibilities to the subordinate.
That makes the subordinate accountable to you.
You then increase the subordinates power while
retaining your power.
power depends on your giving or withholding of
information or having knowledge that others do
not have. Use informational power when giving
orders to subordinates. Give orders in such a
manner that your subordinates presume the order
originated at your level. When forced to comply
with orders you do not agree with, dont introduce
the order by saying "The division officer
said. . ." Phrase and present the order in a
manner that leaves no doubt you initiated it.
Rely on your own resources to stay fully informed
instead of depending on others. Subordinates may
present unreliable information in a manner that
makes it appear to be true. Superiors may become
so involved with projects they forget to keep you
informed of tasks being assigned or upcoming
inspections. Information is power. Stay informed!
REFERENT POWER. Referent power
derives from your subordinates identification or
association with you. You have this power by
simply being "the chief." People identify with the
ideals you stand for.
The chief has a pre-established image. You can
enhance that image by exhibiting charisma,
courage, and charm. An improved image increases
your referent power. Always be aware of how
others will perceive your actions. A negative image
in the eyes of others will lessen your power and
render you ineffective. Maintain a positive image!
EXPERT POWER. Expert power comes
from your knowledge in a specific area through
which you influence others. You have expert
power because your subordinates regard you as
an expert in your rating. Subordinates may also
have this type of power. When you combine
expert power with other types of power, you will
find it an effective tool in influencing others.
However, when you use it by itself, you will find
it ineffective.
Good leadership is of primary impor-
tance in that it provides the motivating
force which leads to coordinated action
and unity of effort. Personnel leadership
must be fused with authority since a leader
must encourage, inspire, teach, stimulate,
and motivate all individuals of the organi-
zation to perform their respective assign-
ments well, enthusiastically, and as a team.
Leadership must ensure equity for each
member of the organization. Concerning
actions in his or her area of responsibility,
the leader should never allow a subordinate
to be criticized or penalized except by
himself or herself or such other authority
as the law prescribes.
Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy