WARNINGEEBDs must not be used for firefightingpurposes.WARNINGRemember, when donning the EEBD, if youdon’t hear the hissing sound of oxygen beinggenerated, discard the unit and get another.DANGERDon’t smoke immediately after using theEEBD because your hair is saturated withoxygen and could catch on fire.SUPPLEMENTAL EMERGENCY EGRESSDEVICE (SEED)Personnel working in engineering spaces wearsupplemental emergency egress devices (SEEDs) ontheir belts for easy access. When a main space fire iscalled away, the watch stander should use the SEED(fig. 12-4) to proceed to an EEBD. The watch standershould obtain an EEBD and don it when not in dangerof immediate harm from heat or flames. Because theSEED lacks protection for the eyes and nose and has ashort operational time, it is a supplemental device.However, it is immediately available for theengineering watch standers and is easily operated onthe run. Factors to consider when using these devicesinclude the following:12-15Student Notes:Figure 12-4.—Supplemental emergency egress device (SEED).
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