How quickly conditions are deterioratingEase of egress, including travel time to abreathable atmosphereOperating times for each deviceCapabilities and limitations of each deviceWARNINGDon’t breath through the nose—breath onlythrough the mouth when using the SEED.WARNINGSEEDs must not be used for firefightingpurposes.OXYGEN BREATHING APPARATUS (OBA)The oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA) (fig. 12-5)is a self-contained device that generates oxygen througha chemical process and lets the wearer breatheindependently of the surrounding atmosphere.Currently, the OBA is the primary tool used byfirefighting teams for respiratory protection. Theeffective time limit of the oxygen supply is in excess of12-16Student Notes: tubesBreathing tube couplingsBody harness and pad5.6.7.8.Breathing bagBreastplateWaist strapBail assembly handle(standby position) release strapPressure relief valve andpull tab timerTimerValve housingFigure 12-5.—Navy oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA).
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