opportunity, military bearing/character, personal job
accomplishment/initiative, teamwork, and leadership.
Professional Knowledge
In the professional knowledge trait, you are rated on
your knowledge and performance of your job-related
duties, your application of technical and professional
skills, your problem-solving abilities, and your ability
to accept instructions and directions.
Quality of Work
In the quality of work trait, you are rated on the
extent to which you can be depended on to perform
assigned tasks successfully and the quality of the work
you performed. Youre also rated on how much
supervision is required for you to perform an assigned
Equal Opportunity
In the equal opportunity trait, you are evaluated on
y o u r c o n t r i bu t i o n t o c o m m a n d m o r a l e , u n i t
cohesiveness, and your support of the Navys Command
Managed Equal Opportunity Program.
Military Bearing/Character
In the military bearing/character trait, you are
evaluated on your personal appearance, including
physical fitness; wearing of your uniform; and, when
appropriate, neatness of your civilian clothing. You are
also graded on your knowledge and practice of military
courtesies and the way you adhere to the Navy Core
ValuesHonor, Commitment, and Courage.
Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
In the personal job accomplishment/initiative trait,
you are evaluated on your ability to act appropriately,
independently, and without specific direction, while
exercising sound judgement. Youre also rated on your
a b i l i t y t o p l a n / p r i o r i t i z e w i s e l y, s e e k ex t r a
responsibility, and willingness to take on the hardest
In the teamwork trait, youre evaluated on your
contributions to team building and your ability to work
successfully with subordinates, peers, and superiors.
Finally, under this trait, youre rated on your ability to
understand team goals.
In the leadership trait, youre evaluated on your
ability to organize and motivate people, as well as
developing in others their ability to accomplish goals.
Your ability to delegate, to gain commitment from
others, and to challenge and inspire subordinates while
maintaining positive and realistic expectations are taken
into account.
For personnel in paygrades E-1 through E-3, a
grade in this trait is not required unless abilities
are clearly demonstrated.
The Evaluation Report and Counseling Record for
E-3 and below is submitted on a biyearly basis or when
a person is transferred. In addition, counseling is
performed on a biyearly basis to record your progress
and make you aware of your performance.
You must sign your Evaluation Report and
Counseling Record. Your signature on your Evaluation
Report and Counseling Record does not indicate
agreement with the evaluation; it indicates you have
seen the Evaluation Report and Counseling Record and
your rights have been explained. Your signature also
indicates you have verified the identification data in the
Once signed the Evaluation Report and Counseling
Record is sent to BUPERS (counseling documentation
is retained at the command and not sent to BUPERS). A
copy of your Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
is placed in your field service record, a copy is retained
by the reporting activity, and you are given a copy.
Student Notes: