Recognize the policy for and identify the needfor the Navy’s energy conservation program.Most of the Navy’s ships and all of its aircraft usepetroleum-based fuel. In addition, the Navy’s vehiclesused for ground transportation, such as cars, trucks, andbuses, also use petroleum. That gives you an idea of howmuch the Navy depends on petroleum—without it, theNavy couldn’t move. Navy bases also use petroleumfuel for heating and running electric plants.We get most of our petroleum in the form of crudeoil from the Middle East countries. We cannot rely onoil from that area forever because political unrest existsthere. Besides, only so much oil exists in the earth.Therefore, we must conserve as much of our petroleumresources as possible.The Navy’s policy on energy conservation is that itwill make all possible efforts to improve the way it usesenergy resources. The Navy will not compromisereadiness, effectiveness, or safety in its energyconservation efforts. One of the Navy’s energyconservation goals is to ensure it provides the fleet withenough fuel to sustain peacetime and combatoperations. Another objective is to reduce energy costsand dependency on unreliable energy sources whileconserving petroleum.You can help to conserve our energy resources byreporting wasteful practices to your supervisor orleading petty officer (LPO).REVIEW 2 QUESTIONQ1. W h a t i s t h e N av y ’s p o l i c y o n e n e r g yconservation?NAVY SPONSOR PROGRAMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the purpose of and identify theresponsibilities of the Navy Sponsor Program.The Chief of Naval Operations set up the NavySponsor Program to ease the relocation of navalpersonnel and their families when transferred onpermanent change of station (PCS) orders. Thisprogram has helped thousands of Navy families. Navypolicy regarding assignment of sponsors is as follows:Assignment of a sponsor is mandatory in the caseof PCS orders to or from any activity.In all other cases, individuals should requestassignment of a sponsor through the use of thesponsor request form, NAVPERS 1330/2,entitled Navy Sponsor Notification.NOTEIf you are being transferred on PCS orders,desire a sponsor, and have not heard from yournew command, you can request assignment of asponsor using the sponsor request form,NAVPERS 1330/2.School commands have developed home portand/or country information packages or packetsto all personnel being transferred on PCS orders,especially first-term members.If you are assigned as a sponsor for a fellow navalmember who is scheduled to transfer to yourlocation, fully accept the responsibility ofsponsorship. You can help make the differencebetween a good move and a bad one for theperson being transferred as well as for thatperson’s family. Using the following checklist(table 1-1) may help you be a better sponsor:OVERSEAS DUTY SUPPORTPROGRAMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the Overseas Duty Support Program toinclude sources of information available forsingle Sailors and Navy families.The Overseas Duty Support Program (ODSP)provides information and support to help personnel whoare guests in foreign lands. Whether you find yourself in1-5Student Notes:
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