the extent possible, the Navy limits the use of noisytools, machinery, and equipment to normal workinghours.Afloat, the design of new ship systems ande q u i p m e n t i s r e d u c i n g n o i s e e m i s s i o n s . T h egovernment doesn’t prescribe retrofit (modifications)for existing noise sources. The government alsoexempts military aircraft, combat equipment, andweapon systems from new noise design standards.NATURAL, HISTORIC, ANDARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCESPROTECTIONIn keeping with federal programs, the Navy hasestablished programs, suitable to its military mission,for the preservation of natural, cultural, and historicresources. The Navy programs consist of landmanagement, forest management, fish and wildlifemanagement, outdoor recreation, and general supportfor all land under naval jurisdiction.Land management includes soil and waterconservation, land restoration, noxious weed andpoisonous plant control, agricultural lands leasing,range management, landscaping, and groundmaintenance.Forest management includes the production andsale of forest products for multiple-use andsustained-yield principlesFish and wildlife management includes marinemammal protection, migratory fish protection, gameand nongame species management, and animal damagecontrol.Outdoor recreation involves the protection ofnature through programs such as migratory birdmanagement, endangered species protection, andpreservation of the earth’s natural beauty. Recreationprograms include the management and use of off-roadvehicles, national recreation trails, hiking trails, outdoorrecreation areas, wild and scenic rivers, and wildernessareas.General support programs involve people andnature. Those involving people include youth programs,public participation, and cooperative agreements withpublic agencies. Those involving nature includeresources inventory, conservation awards, coastal areamanagement, wetland protection, flood plainmanagement, natural area preservation, and animaldisease eradication.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. List the four main sources of pollutants.a.b.c.d.Q2. What are two primary effects of pollution?Q3. What is the primary pollution concern of theNavy?Q4. To help reduce air pollution, what steps has theNavy taken to improve their power plants ashoreand afloat?Q5. Name the agreement that the Navy follows todispose of treated sewage in foreign waters.Q6. How many nautical miles from the U.S. coastlinecan vessels discharge unpulped trash?ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—1-4Student Notes:
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