12. What person is responsible for determining thesafe entry of personnel into closed or poorlyventilated spaces?1. The gas free engineer2. The fire marshal3. The DCA4. The XO13. What person is designated to aid the DCAtrain personnel and to prevent and fight fires?1. The gas free engineer2. The fire marshal3. The DCPO4. The LCPO14. What action is taken if the fire marshal findshazards that relate to poor housekeepingduring a daily inspection?1. Record and advise the responsible division2. Submit discrepancy report to DCA withcopies to XO and department head3. Have the division LCPO schedulecorrective action4. Report the hazard to the safety department15. The fire marshal has which of the followingresponsibilities?1. Submitting reports citing hazards andrecommendations for their correction2. Setting up a fire watch team before regularoverhauls3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Inspecting the engineering departmentQUESTIONS 16 THROUGH 19 REFER TO THEBATTLE ORGANIZATION OF DAMAGECONTROL.16. What is the purpose of the ship’s damagecontrol battle organization?1. To stand at ready for the battle to be over2. To restore the ship to as near normaloperation as possible3. To comfort injured crew members4. When directed, to take charge of theweapons17. In the damage control battle organization,what person is responsible for controllingdamage; fighting fires; CBR countermeasures;and control of stability, list, and trim?1. The DCPO2. The DCA3. The XO4. The CO18. What are the primary damage control battleorganization unit(s)?1. Repair parties2. Navigation crew3. Deck crews4. Engineering personnel19. What is the nerve center of the directing forcefor directing the damage control organization?1. DCC or CCS2. Bridge3. Aft steering4. DC locker 5IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 20 THROUGH23, SELECT THE REPAIR PARTY THAT ISIDENTIFIED BY THE FUNCTION USED ASTHE QUESTION.20. Main deck repair.1. Repair 12. Repair 33. Repair 54. Repair 721. Propulsion repair.1. Repair 12. Repair 33. Repair 54. Repair 722. Ordnance.1. Repair 22. Repair 43. Repair 64. Repair 823. Electronic casualty control.1. Repair 22. Repair 43. Repair 64. Repair 812-30
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