From the moment you hear the alarm or suspect aCBR attack, hold your breath until you can put on themask. You should be able to don (put on) and adjust yourmask within 10 seconds. If your eyes or face becomescontaminated before you can get the mask on, thecontamination should be taken care of first, provided thenecessary materials are readily available. The mostimportant action is to don the mask immediately; then,proceed with decontamination.The MCU-2/P protective mask is designed toprovide full protection. It provides protection againsttactical concentrations of chemical and biologicalagents, toxins, and radiological fallout particles. TheMCU-2/P mask also accommodates the use of thetri-service/NATO canisters.The MCU-2/P protective mask (fig. 13-9) is builtwith a silicone rubber facepiece. It has the followingfeatures:Two voice emittersA drinking tubeA flexible lens that lets you use binoculars,gunsights, and other optical equipment; and theoption to put the filter canister on either sideT h e m a s k c a n b e w o r n o v e r a p p r o v e dmask-compatible glasses. You can order compatibleglasses through your medical department. The largelens size provides the user with a good all-around view.CBR Protective ClothingBasically, any clothing or coverall that covers thebody can provide a degree of protection from CBRcontaminants. However, the type of clothing and itsproper wear determine the amount of protection.C H E M I C A L - P R O T E C T I V EOVERGARMENT.—The chemical-protectiveovergarment consists of two pieces—a smock andtrousers (fig. 13-10). The smock has two layers ofmaterials: inner (antigas) and outer (monacrylic/nylon).The smock is generously cut to allow complete freedomof movement. It has a large front flap pocket for gloves,and so forth, and a sleeve patch where you can placedetector paper for easy visibility. You can make quickand easy adjustments with hook-and-pile fasteners atthe wrist and waist. The trousers are made of the sametwo layers of material and have suspender-type fittingslocated at the waist and across the shoulders.Hook-and-pile fasteners are located at the base of eachl eg f o r a d j u s t m e n t . T h e c h e m i c a l - p r o t e c t iveovergarment is issued in a plastic envelope that is13-19Student Notes:Figure 13-9.—MCU-2/P protective mask.
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