Q3. What MOPP level provides the most protection?Q4. At what MOPP level is material conditionZEBRA (modified) set?DECONTAMINATIONLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall the procedures for area decontaminationafloat.Identify the purpose of the decontaminationstation.There are four levels of decontamination—emergency personnel decontamination, limitedoperational decontamination, operationally completedecontamination, and complete decontamination.LEVELS OF DECONTAMINATIONLevel 1—Emergency personnel decontamina- tion.E m e r g e n c y p e r s o n n e l d e c o n t a m i n a t i o n i sdecontamination necessary to save your life. It is yourresponsibility. The primary purpose of emergencypersonnel decontamination is to safeguard you inprotective gear that includes the following items:MaskProtective overgarmentBootsGlovesHowever, if a chemical attack takes place beforeyou don all of the protective gear, you need to destroy,neutralize, or remove the chemical agents from insideyour protective gear and from exposed skin area.Personnel decontamination kits (M291) give you thea b i l i t y t o d e c o n t a m i n a t e s k i n s u r fa c e s . T h ecleansing/decontamination stations used for enteringand leaving the ship’s interior provide soap, detergent,and shower facilities.Level 2—Limited operational decontamination.L i m i t e d o p e r a t i o n a l d e c o n t a m i n a t i o n i sdecontamination necessary to let you, while inprotective clothing and/or masks, do your job with aminimum risk of contact, pickup, and transfer ofchemical agent contamination. Initial contamination ismost likely to be on the upper-outer surfaces ofstructures and equipment. Further contamination maybe picked up and/or transferred to noncontaminatedareas. The two types of contamination hazards are—1. Pickup hazards. A chemical agent on a surfacethat is touched by an individual, contaminatinghimself/herself.2. Transfer hazards. A chemical agent picked up,transferred, and then deposited on an otherwiseuncontaminated area.T h e o b j e c t iv e o f l i m i t e d o p e r a t i o n a ldecontamination is to destroy, neutralize, or removepersistent chemical agents that are located on structuresand/or equipment in places where they constitute acontact hazard.Level 3—Operationally complete decontami-nation. Operationally complete decontamination (alsoknown as full decontamination) is decontamination sothat the contamination of personnel, structures, andequipment is reduced to a level that results in asignificant operational benefit. Level 3 decontaminationreduces contamination to the lowest level possible.However, it should only be conducted when there is areasonable chance that work can be performed withoutmasks or gloves for limited periods, and the ship’smission can be completed without undue hazards topersonnel.One hundred percent decontamination can’t beaccomplished on each and every item suspected ofbeing contaminated. Level 3 decontamination isn’t afixed level of decontamination. It depends on the ship’soperating schedule and the urgency of the assignedmission. Decontamination at sea or by ship’s personnelwill be of this type.Level 4—Complete decontamination. Completedecontamination is a degree of decontamination where13-23Student Notes:
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