formerly possible. Such analyses and interpretations cansignificantly help the CO make decisions about fundingshifts and program trade-offs.The staff continually performs an obligation andexpenditure review to help headquarters componentscontrol the obligation and expenditure of funds undertheir administration. This review permits continuingcomparisons of obligations and expenditures withauthorized funds. In comparing the rate of obligationwith the budget plan, the staff investigates the reasonsfor any variations. With the knowledge obtained fromsuch reviews, those responsible can better anticipatefuture fund requirements. They can also avoidoverobligation and overexpenditure by making neededadjustments or, when necessary, by placing timelyrequests for reallocation or reapportionment.PROPERTY ACCOUNTINGOperation of the naval establishment requires manycategories of material–aeronautical, electronic,ordnance, ship’s parts, and subsistence items, to name afew. These categories are inventory segments of ourNavy’s equipment and material system. Managing thisinventory and protecting the investment of thegovernment requires strict accountability. The Navyaccounts for property through the use of custody cards,inventories, and plant and minor property accountingsystems.Custody CardsFor each item of controlled equipment requiringcustodysignature,youmust have aControlled-Equipage Custody Record (4442). Useeither the NAVSUP Form 306 or 460 (figs. 6-4 and 6-5).Both cards are generally referred to as custody cards.After sighting the item identified on the card, anappropriate authority, usually the division officer or thedepartment head, signs the card to acknowledge custodyof the item. NAVSUP Form 306 fits into a three-ringbinder. NAVSUP Form 460 fits into the pocket of acardex file.The original and at least one copy of the custodycard should be prepared for each item of equipmentrequiring custody signature. The original should bemaintained by the suppl y officer or the department head.If the supply officer maintains the original, it is generallysigned by the department head. Inmost units, however,the department head maintains the original custodycards, and the division officer signs them. For plantproperty (plant account) items requiring custodysignature, the administrative branch or the comptrollerusually keeps the original.Duplicate copies of custody cards are usuallymaintained by the division supply petty officer forsubcustody purposes. When an item of equipmentrequiring custody signature is issued to a member of thecrew, it is signed for on the duplicate copy of the custodycard. The person receiving the item is, therefore,acknowledging subcustody of the item. Permanentlyinstalled items should be subcustodied to the pettyofficer in charge of the workcenter where the equipmentis located.The duplicate or subcustody card is also used tomake periodic and required sight inventories of theitems. The card is signed (on the back) by the personconducting the inventory. The original custody cardneed only be signed once by the person having custodyof the item. It need not be signed each time an inventoryis conducted. The original custody card is signed by therelieving authority when he or she initially sights thecustody item.Inventory of Controlled (Custody) EquipageAll items of controlled equipage, including itemsrequiring a custody signature and plant property items,must be inventoried at least annually during the period15 February to 15 March. Inventories of controlledequipage are also required when any of the followingsituations occur:AThe ship, station, or unit is commissioned,inactivated, or reactivated.Upon relief of the department head.Upon change of command at the discretion of therelieving CO. Although not specifically requiredan inventory should also be conducted wheneverthe division officer or division supply pettyofficer is relieved of his or her duties.Controlled-Equipage Custody Record (4442),NAVSUP Form 306 or 460, is usually used to conductthe controlled equipage inventory. Each article is sightedand inspected for serviceability by the person makingthe inventory. Articles identified by serial number arechecked by those numbers when inventories are taken.As the inventory progresses, the person conductingthe inventory signs the custody record, acknowledgingcustody or inventory, as appropriate, of all the itemssighted. All controlled equipage inventories must becompleted within 30 days after the date ofcommencement. When taken jointly by the relieved and6-15
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