(1) Article II, section 1, of the Constitution
provides that executive power shall be vested
in a President of the United States.
(3) The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
while so serving, holds the grade of general or
admiral and outranks all other officers of the
armed forces.
(2) Subject to the authority, direction, and
control of the SECDEF, the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff serves as the spokesman
for the commanders of the unified combatant
commands especially on the operational
requirements of their commands.
(4) The naval officer who heads the Office of
Legislative Affairs also monitors and
evaluates congressional proceedings and
actions affecting the DoN.
(2) The MCPONs assignment is to the
immediate office of the CNO. The MCPON
serves as the senior enlisted representative of
the Navy and acts as the primary enlisted
adviser to the CNO.
(2) As of June 1998, the U.S. Naval Forces
Central Commands area of responsibility
consists of the Arabian Gulf and most of the
Middle East.
(4) The U.S. Navys Pacific Fleet covers more
than 50% of the Earths surface,
encompassing just over 1 million square
miles. Pacific Fleet ships are at sea in the
Pacific, Indian, and Arctic oceans from the
west cost of the United States to the Arabian
(1) CHNAVPERS plans the amount of
education and training needed by Navy
personnel, including that of the Naval Reserve
to meet manpower requirements determined
by the Chief of Naval Operations.
(3) COMNAVFACENGCOM acquires and
disposes of real estate for the Navy and
manages Navy family housing.
(4) CNET is responsible for assigned
shore-based education and training of Navy,
certain Marine Corps, and other personnel.
Education and training efforts support the
naval shore establishment, Naval Reserve
program, and interservice training programs.
(1) COMNAVSAFECEN arms our Sailors,
Marines, and civilians with the knowledge
they need to save lives and preserve
resources. This mission is accomplished by
investigating and advocating new methods,
technology, and initiatives to improve the
safety process.