Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT). Operationally the
same destroyer may be deployed as part of a task
element, unit, group, and force that are part of the
Seventh Fleet answering to CINCPACFLT.
A task force (TF) is a subdivision of a fleet.
Sometimes a fleet is large enough and its duties are
extensive enough to require division into many TFs.
When that happens, the TFs become part of groupings
called task fleets. A TF is composed of several types of
ships according to operational necessity. Thus a TF
may include battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers,
amphibious craft, and auxiliary vessels, such as
tenders or supply ships. The division of a TF creates
task groups (TGs). TGs have numbers corresponding
to the particular TF of which they are a part. For
instance, if TF 77 has a task group assigned to
reconnaissance, its set number will be TG 77.3. Task
groups may be subdivided even further into task units
(TUs) and task elements. For example, TU 77.3.1 is
Task Unit 1 of Task Group 3 of Task Force 7 of the
Seventh Fleet.
The operating forces carry out naval operations
needed to support the DoNs role in upholding and
advancing the national policies and interests of the
United States. The major operating forces are shown in
figure 5-2. Each has an area of responsibility and
mission, some unique, some are shared as explained
Naval Reserve Force.Commander, Naval
mission-capable units and individuals to the
Navy-Marine Corps team throughout the full range of
operations from peace to war. The Naval Reserve Force,
numbering over 728,000 men and women, consists of
the Ready Reserve, the Standby Reserve, and the
Retired Reserve. The Ready Reserve is made up of
Selected Reserve (SELRES) personnel and Individual
Ready Reserve (IRR) personnel. The SELRES is the
Navys primary source of immediate mobilization
manpower. The SELRES represents those reservists
who are paid either as weekend drillers or who serve in
full-time support on active-duty status as Temporary
Figure 5-2. DoN organization, operating forces.